Alright, I admit it. I've fallen for Web 2.0. Hook, line and sinker.
Every random site that comes out these days, I sign up. I give it a shot and usually abandon quick. But I've been having a harder and harder time keeping up with friends. Keeping up with you. Keeping up with you on all the social style sites you're on. Google Reader has helped reduce the time it takes keeping me up-to-date on everything I care about in terms of news.
I've been looking into different sites for not only aggregating my own stuff for others to follow easier but for following you all easier as well. My current favorite is
FriendFeed, though I'm looking into other options, such as hosting a Gregarius instance on his own webserver.
Here's one my friend's lifestreams running on Gregarius. The upshot of this is that he has ultimate control over what happens to his data since it's hosted locally. I believe he's keeping backups in MySQL as well.
I'm also looking into
NoseRub, a decentralized social networking system that does the same sort of stuff. It can be hosted on your own webserver as well or you can use one of the public NoseRub services such as Some interesting ideas here.
I'm just more interested in aggregating as much data as possible into a single place. I'd like to be able to even pull in stuff like
my Burnout Paradise stats, maybe using a service like
Yahoo Pipes or Feedity.
Those of you interested in doing something similar might find something that works for you at