Jun 18, 2007 21:50

Yeah so I just discovered that I have to take the MDPT this Friday. Craps. Time to relearn math in like two days *still has to drop off registration form*
Hey I hope Liz, Neena, Rachel and any other Calculus friends take calculus with me.

Oh and I rented House Season 1 and Mewtwo Strikes Back :P I must see Mewtwo Returns. I'm on a pokemon high!

And Wilson is still uber cool.

I had an lj-cut with all the professors but my comp died and erased it. So lieu of that I bring you SUPER SPECIAL PHOTO ICON POST! Sadly, my digital camera is dead so I cannot upload any grad picks yet. So instead...

So this is Cupid. She's my favorite because all she does is want bellyrubs ^O^ Black labiness.

This Templeton :3 He's big and fluffy and looks like a bear but he's really sweet.

This is Jack. He tried to Pee on meh leg. >_<

This is Dee Dee. She has super long legs and is huge but really cuddley! Not a bad walker at all.

This is Seal. He's a pitbull but I love him. He was all emo and curled up in the corner of his pen so I took him out for a walk and after that when I pass by he bounces off walls.

Addonis! Didn't get to take him out, but he's quite the character. He likes to stnad on two legs like a person and watch people. It made me laugh when I turned around and I see this giant nsoe and two radar ears sticking out from the top of the kennel. I talked to this really nice lady about him and she told me all this stuff about imported Germans versus Americans (dogs, duh, not people). She was pretty funny. She really wanted Addonis and was almost stalking his prospective owner (in a good way, it means he'll get adopted). I gave heer my OMGDONTSMOKEYOULLDIESPEECH. She's cool XD.

All these pics are from the SPCALA website. Because my cameras not allowed... i don't think... so I steal their pictures!

---------------ICONS I MADES------------

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