Heroe-ific Crack

Jun 04, 2007 00:48

Anyways, Saturday I slept 'til one. Sunday I walked the dogs and went to my grandmas, then I got really bored and was inspired to draw heroeific crack. Sadly my computer committed suicide at the speed of a thousand emo kids per second. So, like, my drawing was reduced to unrecognizable stick people. Poor rainbow brite horse... you were so beautiful before the crash *cries for the colors*. Someday I'll make it better.

Fat cop, 'slpody, and glasses are in the car, emo boy's riding rainbow pony, cheer squad's flying on a butterfly, sybrows is having jamba juice, creepy girl... is... being herself, everybody favorite useless family is being useless sticks, and nathan, hiro, and ando are flying. And Mr. Muggles is shooting lasers at invisible pigeons. And Mrs. Petrelli is spazzing. And Mohinder's hiding on the TARDIS. And the donuts are singing because Peter will save the world with power of love. And Star Trek.


I think we need a photograph for comparison.

Heroes cast love!(Stolen from the internets)

On a side note I've become hopelessly addicted to "Order of the Stick." Funny crap.

frying-mahn!(heroes), scribble-poop(art), funtastic(fun), crack

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