Wow so I went to the mall and was like yayyy shopping! But then I got really sleepy from being dragged everywhere, but I bought a green dress and sleep walked out of the store where I invaded Small Wonders for the nine millionth and nineth time and saw a TOA Artbook and spazzed.
Then I looked at the price tag.
I spazzed again.
Expensive Asians!
And, and... I went to Wendy's and discovered that Nintendo and Wendy's Co. had secretly teamed up to take over the world. They had Wii themed kid's meal toys. We were gonna try to get a toy Wiimote and send it to Liz... but my hunger struck and I decided Kid's Meals were too small.
The Wii is like stalking me.
Then I returned to Small Wonders again and fought with one of those quarter machines. First I dropped the quarter and it rolled in a hard to reach corner of the store and I got it and then I couldn't turn the blasted knob and then the money got stuck. Eventually I got my darn keychain/phone decoration thing but it was a Manaphy (sp?) I wanted Buizel. And my sister got some weird blue whale from ruby . And the head Asian people laughed at me.
I later returned and got a Mantyke which was super cute, but Kelly really wanted it so she traded her Kyogre and Pikachu for it. So now I have three key chains :3 But I really wanted a Buizel or Chatot gosh darnit.
I suck at Pokemon. T_____T
I will kill for Photoshop and Flash.