Kimberly's Past Lives
1946 BC: Wise Nomad
753 AD: A lady in waiting
1753 AD: A heretic executed for claiming that the earth was round
'What were you in your past lives?' at
QuizGalaxy.comAnd Check out my sister's. It fits her to a T.
Kelly's Past Lives
1391 BC: Musician
1540 AD: A soldier
1810 AD: Royalty
'What were you in your past lives?' at Anyways I stole that from Rachel... XD. Well, today I turned in my scholarship application yay! Only 99 million other thigns to do. I went to the H.E.A.L. class. I missed zero on the test and can handle medium level dogs; they were all so cute. As a side note I had to eat my lunch all alone today in the middle of the park. Sad. I was waiting for the H.E.A.L. class to come back from break. Then, as I was walking back I crashed into Sierra, the dog behavioralist-head-honcho-person and her dog Sandy. We were talking about Oreo (old fogy cat at the shelter who's in the penalty box XD; whoever he scratched they probably deserved it-- he's a wuvable kitty and not to be poked!) when this random guy came by with a box. He told us he was turning in five puppies he found abandonded at a car wash! They didn't have a mommy and they were about two weeks old. Poor babies. As it turns out, one of is done for and the chances for the other four are slim. Pray for them! Curse those blasted abandoners... they were left there overnight (or so the vets speculate).
And curse LJ too... stupid thing won't post...