Dec 10, 2007 02:04
1) Will just used LOVEOO instead of love you, I think LOVEOO is far superior to any other form of saying I love you and from now on I shall try and use it whenever I get the chance, I may even try it in conversation.
2) I am running out of toothpaste, but am far too lacking-in-funds to even contemplate buying some more!
3) I cannot sleep before three in the morning, and this is beginning to pose a problem. HOWEVER!! I am actually tired at the moment so may try sleeping after this post.
4) Tomorrow is the day where I will be stuck in a library for around three or four hours wishing I did not have two essays to finish by Friday.
5) My mum bought me and her tickets to go see Radiohead in June. Have I mentioned how amazingly awesome my mother is?
6) David Gray allows my depression to surface, and yet I cannot resist playing HIS WHOLE FUCKING ALBUM at least once a day.
7) My fingers are cold.
8) I feel I haven't seen Andrew or Rachel for a long time, this has to be fixed and, hopefully, will be ASAP.
9) ASAP in my head sounds exactly as it is written, short, snappy, and always makes me want to get out a filofax or something (filofax's! How retro am I!?) and start talking about how we need to MAKE A DATE and maybe suggest someone should call my PA to MAKE THE DATE.
10) I think I need sleep. This entry is suggesting that to me. I yawned! I may actually be tired!