
Jan 15, 2007 18:01

There's always a strange element to every day at university. I don't know why. It may just be living with such a varied bunch of people that you'll never be let down.. and something will happen. Yes.

Both of my lessons today I've been midway through them.. and have just started to daydream and not pay any attention. Halfway through my first lesson I caught the end of my teacher's sentence.. which ended "...and that'll be really useful for that type of work." What were you talking about!? What would be useful!? Have I missed something important?! I fear I have.

Also, I bought The Independent today (mainly because it was only 25p for students. Huzzah!) and now I'm all freaked out by the issues raised about our society becoming like a Big Brother culture. Or, more of one than it already is. yes. I'm not too sure about I.D. cards.. and DNA databases.. what's it going to do? I dunno. Freaks me out a lil bit.

There are days where I feel like.. perhaps I am a bad person? Hm. That _is_ a random sentence.

Anyhoo. I have decided to put up a poem I wrote. Ah. Genius. Well.. it isn't. But there ya go. Maybe, every now and then I'll throw a piece of work that I've done out there. Just ... out there.

I Will Follow Your Ghost As It Climbs Up The Rock Face
Title from the Snow Patrol song” If I'd Found The Right Words To Say”
from the album “When It's All Over We Still Have To Clear Up".

I wake up
and my first thought
is not her.

I grab my bag,
packed last night,
and steal away.

Under the fresh
gaze of dawn
I cycle.

In the distance
I see my destination,
edging towards me.

I arrive.
I am alone,
I’m ready to go.

I slip on my shoes,
dust my hands
with chalk.

Reaching for the
first hold
I climb.

I start to feel the burn.
I begin to shake,
this time I’ll finish.

Staring down,
it’s not that high,
I still don’t think of her.

I’m exhilarated.
my muscles ache,
they want to go on.

And then it fades,
my high lessens,
and I sink to the floor.

I sit for an age,
skin flushed,
sweat drying.

I start the walk down,

And then.

Her hair spread
across the bed,
her warmth.

I sigh,
I pack my bag,
and leave.

Now she’s on my mind.

poetry, university, lessons

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