Sep 25, 2009 18:40
I've been thinking...
I don't know if I really care for the path I've chosen for myself. It sounded like the perfect fit for me. I enjoy learning so why not continue going to school. But recently I've been wanting to cut the bullshit that is around me and just do a job. I don't want to sit through shitty lectures where the profs don't know what they are talking nor through a lecture where the profs don't care about their students. I want to be in an environment when my input means something, a place where I actually matter.
I realize my thinking may just be a direct result of FIT not being the university I should be doing my graduate work at but if the idea of a real job is more appealing right now then maybe that is a better choice, a better fit. Of course I can't just drop everything. I must complete this academic year. And well I really should complete the Masters degree as well. But the desire to move on is on my mind.
I see 2-3 'new' paths that I want to look into: NASA, teaching and just because transferring to a new school. More research must be done for all three options but that is where my mind is.