Feb 25, 2005 09:31
I'm so tired right now. The only reason I think I'm typing is not to fall asleep at work, and even this might not keep me awake. I've only gotten about 5 hours of sleep in the past two days and its pretty much my own fault. Went to see Dane Cook at UCF on Wed, got semi-drunk afterwards with Derek and crashed at his place. This normally wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that I had work at 8am the next morning. So I wake up at 5am and drive back. I even have enough time to take a shower and change clothes. I work, its not bad but still tired.
Then I go home and goto a concert, The Starting Line with Heather. Smart, huh? Opening bands suck so we drink alittle (little for me, alot for her) and play some pool and I impress her with my crappy pool skills. Go actually watch the main act and all is good, til we drive home. Heather wasn't feeling so well so we have to stop at a Walgreens. We are back on the road about an hour later. I'll leave everything else to the imagination. I get home at 1:30ish and then promptly crash. Then work. I was going to drive over to Orlando after work for Megacon, but now it appears I'll be comatose for the next 10-24 hours.
Being tired sucks ass.