Oct 05, 2006 13:45
So far today.....
I've been locked in my bedroom..... and broke the door handle.
Eventually escaped.... "late for work!" (they took it well)
Then had a puncture........... Parked up and carried onto work.
(lots of jokes about doors later.)
Dropped a backup tape.......... which then resulted in it being reset.. and having to do another backup run.
THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I split coffee over our fridge...
Then........... I went to change my tyre.. Bent the pin on the Jack!!!!!
And then the breakdown people said they couldnt help till after work due to traffic restrictions!
Then i got mud all over my trousers....!
then the fire alarm went off and i wasnt allowed back on site. "no umbrella or water proofs and its pissing down!!!!"
and now im sat at my desk.Grrr @ the day!