From Twitter 01-11-2011

Jan 12, 2011 02:02

  • 10:16:48: In Pasadena at the TCA press tour. :D
  • 11:08:20: I'm embarrased by my camera. :( There's press photographers w/super expensive cameras & I have my semi prof. one & monopod.
  • 12:09:57: Oh hi Steven Tyler & Jennifer Lopez! Awesome to be in the same room w/you (& less than 10ft from you).
  • 12:10:51: Everyone bumrushed the stage for JLo but pfft I'm more for Steven Tyler but I don't want to be a tool & ask for an auto. I'm trying to b ...
  • 13:25:09: Yeah sorry, I'm gloating. But I'm just excited.
  • 14:06:34: Dude, even our lunch is themed! #bobsburgers
  • 16:01:27: Terra Nova looks like a neat show! Stupid security thought I was filming (my monpod didn't seem a prob before) & his questionable motive ...
  • 16:02:19: Dude, I have it on continuous shooting w/out flash, of course my monopod is gonna be up. I know not to film. Der!
  • 16:05:50: Do you want to photograph? Cause you're more than welcome to! Grrrrr
  • 16:39:48: @ kittun I got a friend who is a freelance writer for several websites.
  • 16:51:20: Uhm hi Christian Slater. ILU! Srsly, since Heathers & True Romance. :D Once again, super cool seeing you 10ft away.
  • 21:50:13: Dear TCA, pls have more choc covered pretzles that FOX gave us today. Om nom nom! So good!

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