Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut
I'm not going to ruin any spoilers for the film, but it was a hell of a lot more interesting this time around. The new special effects were awesome and the eye thingy in the picture was pretty. It was great getting to finally see the deleted scenes added in and the special features added! I actually cried! God, I love Donnie Darko!
-Nods- Jake was there! -Squee- and if it wasn't for my mom, I would have missed him, for she spotted him out, being interviewed by press and I just stopped dead, gawking.
I really wanted to get more, but my hands were shaking and so I had mom get em'. No photos allowed in the theatre, but there were tons of the press taking pics, which I found to be unfair.
Cast and Crew Appearances: Richard Kelly, Jake Gyllenhaal, James Duval, Katharine Ross, Beth Grant, Jolene Purdy, Gary Lundy, Holmes Osborne, and 2 cast/crew members whose names I forgot, forgive me!
I'm so pissed that there weren't any photographs allowed by the audiance, I would have snapped away, but nope, our camera's would be taken away from us.
I kept looking to Jake, being a fan of him, and he kept looking in my direction. I guess he remembered the brown haired girl with the nervous hands and the shorter blond grabbing the pics.
Damn, I wish I got a yellow ticket! Then I would have been able to go to the after party! -Sob-
How I wish I could have gotten a pic with him, or autograph, but alas, I couldn't because my mom was awfully tired and pissed off and hurt my feelings about me 'acting like a fangirl.' -Cries- She said I was going to get hyper and pushed away by security.
I couldn't even try to wait until the group photoshoot was over because I'd already been insulted and would've felt worse if I even attempted, plus I had no choice. Yeah, there were security guards surrounding them, but I could have at least asked. No harm in that, but no, I had a mom who was pissed off at me, even earlier that morning because she was stressed.
I'm such a hypocrite. I say I'm not a fangirl, but then I get giddy when someone mentions something I like. -Pouts- And I know they're just people, I'm just ADHD/OCD and admire their talent, and can't help it if I'm boy crazy... I feel horrible now for having that said about me and want to crawl in a hole and never come out. I'm ashamed of myself. Hate myself even more for getting so hurt for being called a spaz.
And I don't know why I'm even complaining, at least I got to SEE Jake! The Donnie! Got TWO pics, was TWO feet away from him! Yeesh, what is wrong with me?
-Bounces- I saw Jake Gyllenhaal! Aaaaah! -Sad again and then happy, then sad. So on, so forth.-