Does anyone in Orange County (possibly some parts of LA) know where I can SELL a used Laptop? The one I have now, I don't really like. I think I'm better off buying a new one.
Ever since the air conditioning at work today hasn't worked and it was over 80 degrees inside, I've been feeling sick with nasea and a headache! It's the heat. The heat! Though, I bet the NERDS I just ate right now are helping.
Signed up at HollywoodOS under a free subscription. Am hoping that I did some calls from people. :( I think I may need to get a subscription though in order to guarantee something.
Got some back issues of Fangoria (Dark Castle's films) to scan and put up on my DC Site.
Bought more crap from that I don't need, but have been wanting. Dexter Season 2, Heroes Season 2... April, stop it!
kittun ILU you for setting up my twitter to work via loudtwitter and feed to my LJ! Sank you very much! =^.^=
mokuyoubinogaki, I am in love with the Pickles drawing and want to frame it. LOL! No, seriously, it's awesome. Also, if your computer can use an older scanner,
a Color Page Wiz, I'll give you mine. It doesn't work on the computer I have now.
policepenguin, I want to give you something. Contact me pls.
My ear hurts from the new piercings. But I want more once this heals.
Knott's Berry Farm is hiring for monsters for their Halloween Haunt and I think I wanna audition. (I was a monster in 2002 and HAD SO MUCH FUN!) I can make the September 5th casting call.
I'm loving this new phone Dad got for me. Since I was eligible for an upgrade, I got a Verizon LG ENV2 with a keypad.
Projekt Revolution 2008 pictures are finally up!
Click picture to enter gallery.
More Freakylinks? (127)
More Krycek? (015)
More Sammy? (030)
Did you ever see these? (050)
I can never finish icon challenges. I get a good amount and then flake out. (The Krycek and Sam ones were challenges, but I flaked.) I should just stick to contests... Speaking of flakes, saw Aaron Stanford's movie "Flakes," loved it, and now want to open a cereal bar in Orange County. How awesome would that be?