Good Morning Scotland!

Jul 17, 2006 01:29

It's the shiny bright time of 1:30 in the morning and boy do we have some exciting things to report on. First of all, lets just skip over number one. Secondly, I honest to God thought somepeople just couldn't be more self obsessed and stupid. Was I wrong? Of course I was. Cloud is to earth as rock bottom is to humanity. How do I know this? Well, it all began with an interesting fact I learned in work. The spawn of the devil himslef, Paris Hilton, has now decided she's going to have a theme park built about her and her life. Hopefully, she'll die before this ever comes around. I knw sometimes I seem overly harsh with people, but my honest opinion is that the world would be a better place without her. Really. Part three of this update is namely me telling you that I'm suddenyl rather cracked out, cracked up and generally cracked open. KINGS HORSES AND MEN! I NEED YOU! Put me back together for the love of God. I'm tired of being broken. On that note, why is my livejournal boring and shitty? Why can't I have a spiffy looking one like James? I know he's paying for it, but there must be a way. David too. A little help here. Cheers. My cheque clears on Tuesday.

What cheque you ask? Well, I dont think I mentioned it but I was payed to make a film for Castlehead. My second piece of commisioned work. Huzzah. And it clears on Tuesday. Then I get paid on Wednesday. Unfortunately I owe some amounts of moeny to people so there wont be any crazy spending but I'll be out of debt and that will thouroughly kick anal!

Biscuits, my horses await. Aright? Awrong.

Toodles for the now.

PS New film coming out soon. The Prestige. Must be seen. Tune in later for more details.

PSS Hugh Jackman is starring in a new X-Men film called Wolverine, featuring mainly on Logan's story. Same may be done for other X-Men's stories. Who knows?
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