So guess what? I'm alive.

May 26, 2008 00:07

I bet you've been wondering.

I really have a good explanation for being MIA the last few months! I do! See, I was kidnapped by aliens and they erased all my memory so I couldn't remember the password. Also, uh, I just get SO busy at work and I work so much that I'm never awake enough to want to update anymore.
Also, I really didn't have much to tell. Life's been going on and it's mostly been just work, work and work. Thought I'd spare you that.

Only before I noticed, it was two friggin' months and I have no idea what's going on in everyone's LJ lives. There's no way I'm reading back two months worth of entries.... so I'd appreciate it if you could take a minute to tell me of any major changes I might not know about. Like if anyone got married or moved or I dunno, grew a third head (always a possibility when you live near an atomic reactor).

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, there is a very specific reason I decided to update. I've been planning an Awesome Update for a while now, with pictures and music and porn, but I'm going to have to put it off a little longer because guess what, people?

I'm going to the university!
And I was accepted into my first-priority course- biopsychology and brain science! It's insanely hard to get in. And I got in. I'm... beyond freaked. I just found out, and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to pay for tuition and for the dorms and everything, and it would mean moving out and things I dont want to think about. but at least I know what I'll be studying. And I got in! I'm smart. *pets self on shoulder*

So there, I just needed to share that, you know.
You may now return to your everyday lives.

Hope it won't be two months before my next update.

go die, university stuff, anna is a genius, holy shit, monster drawing

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