I bet you've been wondering.
I really have a good explanation for being MIA the last few months! I do! See, I was kidnapped by aliens and they erased all my memory so I couldn't remember the password. Also, uh, I just get SO busy at work and I work so much that I'm never awake enough to want to update anymore.
Also, I really didn't have much to tell. Life's been going on and it's mostly been just work, work and work. Thought I'd spare you that.
Only before I noticed, it was two friggin' months and I have no idea what's going on in everyone's LJ lives. There's no way I'm reading back two months worth of entries.... so I'd appreciate it if you could take a minute to tell me of any major changes I might not know about. Like if anyone got married or moved or I dunno, grew a third head (always a possibility when you live near an atomic reactor).
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, there is a very specific reason I decided to update. I've been planning an Awesome Update for a while now, with pictures and music and porn, but I'm going to have to put it off a little longer because guess what, people?
I'm going to the university!
And I was accepted into my first-priority course- biopsychology and brain science! It's insanely hard to get in. And I got in. I'm... beyond freaked. I just found out, and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to pay for tuition and for the dorms and everything, and it would mean moving out and things I dont want to think about. but at least I know what I'll be studying. And I got in! I'm smart. *pets self on shoulder*
So there, I just needed to share that, you know.
You may now return to your everyday lives.
Hope it won't be two months before my next update.