I don't get it

May 06, 2005 10:44

Ok, I'd like to vent my confusion about females in forms of questions, and I would include my theory.

Why is it that women, yes more than 1, start to like you at the same time?

After a long period of time of nobody sparking an interest in you, they bombard men like a barrage of darts going for the bullseye. My theory according to my facts is this. A bunch of random girls get together and have this bet going on. Let's say the girl wins me (we'll say) and gets something like a cookie or cookie-like item. So they draw numbers out of a stripped top hat to see who will enter my life first. Great. So, life goes on planning these little tricks and it doesn't help that they take a lot of time to look good for you, which I appreciate, but they are forgiven way too much than the regular friend/buddy. So blah blah so by the end of this "game" many things can happen.

1.A dumb girl will marry me (awwww I know. sorry ladies) We'll live happily ever after or divorced. Not necessarily in that order. AND she'd get :::dum da-da-da::: THE COOKIE!!!

2.The smart ladies will come together in a meeting and say, "Screw Derek, lets split the cookie!" The women would agree with the nod of "I was thinking the same thing" . . . smiles all around and nothing left but sad me :o( and a bunch of crumbs in an empty room.

In conclusion. Most women are smart. Therefor we the men get played because we don't know about the "Cookie"

am I confused?
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