... I've seen all month.
So, I am a Final Fantasy fangirl. Stop groaning, I'm not one of the crazy ones who won't admit the many flaws of the games. Not at all. Lately, I've been hooked in waiting for the new Dissidia Duodecim, the sequel of Dissidia, the fighting game that takes the characters of ALL the FF games until now and puts them against the villains.
This sequel includes Goddess Tifa. Yes, Tifa Lockhart. With her classic outfit she had in FF VII.
I am so excited you cannot imagine.
However, no matter how Awesome these news are, there is something even more Awesome: I have discovered the joys of Dead Fantasy. What is Dead Fantasy? Well, DF is a fan-made series that feature girls from the Final Fantasy games and the Dead or Alive ones in a beat-'em-up sequence.
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The best part? It dares to have a story! And the Awesome part? It is centred around Tifa. And Cloud. And CloTi.
Might as well squeal in delight...
And then, there is this:
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