
Apr 23, 2010 19:50

Blackout. Hey, cool, I'm a prompt! Awesome!! Copter'll tell you about himself.

Uhhhh, Hi. I'm Blackout, and I'm a copter. I've got these...uhhh, rotor things, which not a lot of you have and I can fly. I actually have two sets of rotors. One for lift an the other for stability, otherwise I'd just spin in a big circle really fast. Which would not be cool. Copter would probably purge. So, tail rotor? Totally important.

I uhhh, started in the war when I was pretty young. I don't think I was a bad mech, or a good one. Just sorta somewhere in the middle. But things were weird. There was rationing of energon and so we're like...having to limit our activity, right? And while we're doing that, while, like, I'm limiting myself to a flight every other or every third day because I just don't have the energon for more, we're seeing these other mechs large. New wax jobs, no lack of energon for them. Interplanetary travel, and the like. And so we're like...left without and it seems to us they have ours, in addition to theirs. So they've like, we thought, taken it from us. It was unfair.

Unfair is a pretty black and white concept when you're starving, if the copter can be honest. When someone has and you have not, that seems unfair. Maybe they had a valid reason why they had so much and we had so little. But we were constantly at low charge, and...well, you don't know what it's like for an aerial not to be allowed to take the skies. You feel like you've been crippled or something. It's pretty bad.

So the military. Everyone joined the military where I was from, because they had more than we did. Oh they had rationing too, but they were expected to do more, so they got more. And it seemed like a way up. Not only to energon, but to dignity. Scuffed and dirty on the streets or shiny and well-maintained in the Army? Fool's choice really. So we joined and then...well, copter doesn't know the fine details of how the war really started. They say it was us, we say it was them.

Like your American Civil War, right? No one knows which side fired first? Well, we know who FIRED first, us. But you can do a lot of damage to a mech without firing a weapon. You can strip him of food. But you can also strip him of dignity. That's an injury as sure as a laserbolt. So, who fired first? Not as easy to answer as you think.

And...there's the war and we were so sure we were right and so full of energy. Still the war only to the point where I don't think even the other side remembers why we're really fighting. It used to be haves/have nots. Now neither of us really 'have', right? It used to be 'civilians' vs military. Yeah. Have you seen them lately?

And the copter? He's just trying to hang onto his dignity. It's like a tail rotor. Without it, you just spin in a big, dangerous circle.

prompt, blackout pov

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