Sep 20, 2005 21:16
One is amusing, the other is not.
They now have a MeowMix clock. It sings the MeowMix song every hour, on the hour. That clock would last all of maybe four hours before I turned the sound off. It would last another day before the bright orange face and moving green eyes would creep me out and I'd be forced to throw it away.
Far, far away.
The not so amusing thing is something I saw happen the other day at Wal-Mart. I was standing in the check-out line ahead of this mother and her two girls. One looked to be about twelve, and the youngest one couldn't have been older than nine or ten. The mother apparently told her girls to go pick out a drink from the little stand at the end of the check-out aisle, you know the ones with soda and water in the usually Coca-Cola themed refridgerator. The older girl came back with a Dr. Pepper or something, and the youngest one came back with Aquafina water.
Her mom got mad. She said, "We have water at home, now you go pick something else out. You better come back with a soda." After a few minutes of arguing, the older girl dragged the younger one back to the case, and returned - younger girl still crying - about a minute afterwards. The girl still clutched the water bottle, now not only in both hands but had both arms wrapped securely around it, in tears, pleading with her mom, "But I want water..."
I checked out and am not sure whether the girl got her water or not.
But... what the fuck? Telling your kid to go pick out something to drink, of her own choice, and then scolding her when she comes back with something healthy? With a water? I'd have praised her!
That just pissed me off to no end. I almost wanted to say something, but it wasn't my place to correct however she was raising her daughter, I guess. I just wanted to tell her, "You know what? I'd be glad my kid picked out a water instead of a sugar-based soda. If you don't want to pay for her water, because 'you have bottles at home you can fill up with water' (was the older girl's reasoning in support of her mother's reaction), I'll pay for it myself." And I would have, too. In a frickin' heartbeat.
Argh. Raar.
Edit: I should have done that. Damn.
meow mix,
disturbing things