Eee, "Kitty" is home! And, she is now known as "May". Which, technically, is short for "May Royal", a long and proper sounding name for a damn small cat. How did I get that name, you ask? It's the name of the street you take to get to the SPCA. And when I said it, she actually got quiet for a long time, as though she liked it. So she decided on it.
Also, she didn't look like a "Raive" or "Tennessee". But I will get my Tennessee. Oh yes, I will. Even if it ends up being the dog I get in a month or so.
As for May, if she's two years old, she reminds me of my cat Midnight, who stayed tiny her whole life.
She's beautiful, though. And a talker. She talked to me the whole ride home, and is mewing at me now because I think she's climbing into cupboards and getting scared. But she already comes when I cluck my tongue, and whenever I reach to pet her, she will arch up on her hind legs and meet my hand halfway.
The description on the website said she was shy. At the shelter, sure. When the lady was holding her, before they lent me a box to get her home in, yeah, she was kinda freaking out. But now she's wandering around the house, hissing at DragonFly at random moments. She's got a collar on that matches DragonFly's, only it's red instead of blue. Bell and everything.
DragonFly, on the other hand, is giving me the cold shoulder. But I think she'll get over it. And they'll get along in a few days.
I just hope May will be all right when I have to be gone already all day tomorrow.
I keep hearing her behind me, and then I turn and pet her, and say, "You're so cute and tiny!" Because it's true.
Pretty kitty.
Pretty kitty getting into the trash can. Hey!
Pretty kitty playing hide-and-seek under the cupboard door with the other pretty kitty (who's like at least twice her size, maybe three times).
What else has been going on, eh? What hasn't. I swear, it's been crazy around here.
Well, my floors are finally done. The living room, walkway, and den are all newly, um... floored? Pretty colors, turned out nicely. I'm going to get the laundry room done in the same color as the den...
And, just as I decide this, the guy from Sears who's going to inspect damages for real and see what can be done, finally calls and leaves a message on my cell. I had given up on dealing with them, because all I was getting was the run-around. It went something like, "Oh, you have to call this number... oh, you ordered it online? You have to call this number... Oh, no, you need to call the number for your local store... Oh, our manager isn't here, call and leave a message for her tomorrow... Oh, we don't deal with that, call this other company... Still nothing? Well, when the technician comes out to repair it, let him know so he can document it..." Argh!
So, I'll get a quote from the floor company for the laundry room, see what the inspection guy says, and then hopefully get the two together so I can get past this damn thing.
I found out the residential zoning laws here permit a six-foot high fence only along the sides and back - the front can only be four-feet. Well, my dogs can easily jump a four-foot fence. Hell, I can easily jump a four-foot fence. So, instead of coming along the front yard like I'd planned, I'm going to only take it from the sides of the house and around the back.
But, the way the property lines are right now, it goes right through a large group of trees and shrubs. Believe me. My neighbor and I were cutting the old rusted chain-link from around the trees, and some had actually not only grown through the links, but into them, meaning their stalks or trunks or branches were literally surrounding the links. All we could do was cut around them and keep going. I'm going to take a small pair of wire clippers (we were using hedge trimmers for lack of a better tool) and clean them up.
That was a four-foot fence. There's not a six-foot fence would fit properly. So I'm trying to get in touch with the person who owns the land behind mine - there's no residence or building of any sort on it - to try to negotiate buying some of the property. At least so I can go around all of the trees instead of through them... that way I can maintain them all, and get the shade for the dogs. I'd like to get about 1/10 of an acre, though, so that way my lot will be 1/2 acre total. It would bring up the property value.
I only gave him (I think it was the right person, that's what I got from my research on the internet) the letter yesterday. Rather, I put it in his mailbox because no one was home. We'll have to see what happens with that.
As far as cost is concerned, the company that I'm using is looking to charge me about six thousand for everything, and it can be done in just a few days. I'm going to be putting half of that down tomorrow so it can be ordered, and then I'll pay the rest (plus any difference once we figure out the new property lines which might increase the total quantity of fence needed) when it gets installed. I'll also have to hire a surveyor to draw up a plat and new boundaries if the land purchase goes through.
So. Much. Money.
Plus, I had the plumber out to check on the washer drain... he got up on the roof, sent a snake all the way through, put strong acidic stuff down that drain from the roof and into the kitchen sink, and charged me a hundred dollars. Then he said that it was still backing up because the drain itself was old and not able to handle that much water at once... so he's going to come back out, take it out, change the box drain to something bigger and better, and then replace it into the wall. But he won't repair the sheet rock. And that's going to cost $250.
My pay check that's coming on the 15th is far too big. They're overpaying me something. They finally have my rank correct, which means they owe me two months of back pay, but even adding in that factor, they're still overpaying me by nearly a thousand dollars. And they started a claim today to investigate the last overpayment they made, so I don't know when that will be resolved. They'll probably be taking at least a hundred out of every month's total salary to make up for their mistake. Damn, but I hate that.
There's more, I'm sure, but I'm going to get something to eat and call my love. I have to get up early tomorrow, because we have a mandatory three-mile run.
And I have to wear shorts.
Someone help.