Jul 21, 2011 05:59
ok. i've looked. i can't even find pics of this animal!
please help!
seen on Planet Earth Documentary, section: Shallow Seas. somewhere around the showing of the brittle and sunflower star fishes. (checked website, no info)
animal looks a bit like a mobile, semi-elliptical cushion, gliding across the sea floor.
distinctive feature: marking on its back looks like a child's crayon-drawn depiction of a human eye.
if you have any idea what the creature is called, or even what KIND of animal this is, i'd appreciate it if you would comment and let me know.
Thanks! -Siro =^.^=
EDIT!!! MUCH thanks to elven_poet , who has identified the aforementioned animal as...
The Giant Keyhole Limpet!
again, thank you so much! :D