signal boost!!!

May 15, 2014 13:34

Originally posted by eerian_sadow at life and stuff
so, things have been... complicated over here at my place lately. my brother still has no job, and no one is calling him back. my hours have FINALLY started to get back to normal after that massive cut in February and my dad is stressed out over school and his job and a lot of other stuff.

a huge stress factor around here is money. utilities in the city of ottawa went up this january, trash service costs went up this january, gas prices have gone up like six times since my hours were cut, and so on. in short, my family is falling behind on everthing thanks to lack of income and extra outgo (especially with dad and brother commuting to school three days a week, which is as far as my work commute each way.)

so, in order to keep our house out of foreclosure (look who's parents still have a mortgage that i thought was paid off!) and have food (and keep the phones on and the power on and so on...) i am begging for help.

i've set up a youcaring page, and am trying to get enough together to keep us afloat until June, when my hours will be showing up on my paycheck and my brother's unemployment checks will finally be coming in. if you can do anything, even just share/tweet/tumble/whatever, please do. please help me and my family.

and if you've already helped us, thank you.

Here is our YouCaring page

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account!
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