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Jun 27, 2011 23:14

Dynasty Warriors meme

Day 11: Favorite stage
I've always liked Chi Bi in it's various incarnations. In every game, that's the stage I most look forward to. Due to it's position in the various stories, it can be counted on to be challenging but not impossible.

Day 12: Favorite stage song
I've never been that impressed with the DW music. I can name several stage themes in SW that stick out to me, but I can't think of any notable music in DW. I guess the only thing that leaps to mind are the various kingdom overtures in 7. Those were fairly well done. Still, DW will never be known for it's amazing soundtrack.

Being motivated enough to sit in front of the sewing machine for hours on end means I'm getting a fair amount done. Unlike my last two costumes that I actually had to do serious sewing on (Hanbei and Official!Miku) I'm pretty confident in this one. The fact that I gave up on Miku shows how frustrated I was getting with that one, and even working through Hanbei I was constantly frustrated and not really feeling like it was coming together. By complete contrast, every thought for Sailor Moon thus far as been something along the lines of "This is going awesomely! This is going to be so cool! I'm finishing the edges of bow tails and making my sleeves for a third time and I'm still having fun! What is wrong with me?" Maybe it's the fact that I get to work with sparkly fabric. I think I just really like magical girls and such. (That doesn't account for the lack of enthusiasm for Miku, though...)

cosplay, meme

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