When in doubt, use more force

Dec 28, 2010 21:00

Well, it being break, meaning I'm home all day and free all day, means that I get to help in the massive house cleaning. Like, house cleaning of massive proportions. Like, my mother is cleaning the bedroom and finding things she hasn't seen since before I was born house cleaning of massive proportions. It also means I'm cleaning up and finding all sorts of stuff I haven't seen in years, either. I've found about five completely empty sketchbooks. And skirts I didn't know I owned. ...And 4 yards of brown satin. ("Wait, what was I going to use this for?" I must have gotten it on sale really cheap or something. Now I have to figure out something to do with 4 yards of brown casa satin.)

And the notebook that has the first draft of "Pretty Soldier Sailor Wu" in it. Expect the first chapter of that soon, as well as the SW/TMM crossover (They're magical boys because I can't think of a way to convince Mitsunari to leave the house in a skirt and it's actually kind of serious this way. Even if Sakon is the mastermind behind it all.)

Also, the rest of my free time is wasted by video games. I hope my extended family is proud of what they have done. Cut to save your f-lists from the ranting.

First, I've been working on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I've been wanting to play it since it came out, but of course  Besides a handful of really unintuitive puzzles and the "flail around wildly with the Wiimote to attack" control scheme (which can be a bit hard to the wrist) (and the *censored* water Lakebed Temple. SWIMMING CONTROLS! *rage*) it quite a lot of fun. And Link is absolutely adorable. I think he should win a prize for most adorable hero ever. He can go on being a heroic mime as long as he likes; his expressions just say everything he needs to say.

Of course, I also got SW3, as has already been stated. I know I should probably go find out the order in which to play the stories for maximum effect... but I'm really just playing mental darts as to which stories I pick to play next, here. Though I have noticed a direct correlation between Mitsuhide's competence level/agnsting/heroic BSoD and whether he's on your side or fighting you. I kinda like the reasonable, good-hearted Mitsuhide who's not afraid to take responsibility for his actions. WHAT HAPPENED IN HIS STORY? WHERE'D THAT STRONG CHARACTER GO? (Though I did laugh at the narrator's comment about Motochika "dragging him along" while he's consumed by agnst and doubt. And while I wasn't sure at first, I do think Vic makes an excellent Mitsuhide.)

Though I was playing Nene's story... Yamazaki... I played through Mitsunari's story, and yeah, he's gone through some personality changes, but nothing I couldn't forgive. Then I ran over to him as Nene. .........Who are you, and what have you done with Mitsunari Ishida? -_-

I still don't like Hanbei.
I also used what was left of my own money to buy Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes. This was on Sunday so I haven't gotten to play a ton of it yet (that silly massive house cleaning's getting in the way) but I did somehow manage to get carried away and finish Magoichi's blue path. XD (Holy crap, she has a machine gun! *bang bang bang* This is fun! :DDDDD) I'm working on other characters a battle or two at a time.

And now I'm pretty much broke so that's the end of new games for me for a while. Hopefully these ones last me a while...

LATE BREAKING NEWS: These where literally posted up on FB as I was typing this entry. That's now a lie because my internet connection died so I had to post this later than anticipated.http://www.cafereo.co.jp/koei_sangoku6_minifigure1_03.htm
I want another Xunnie! He looks so cuuuute!

samurai warriors, dynasty warriors, lu xun is such an adorable pyro

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