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Aug 24, 2010 23:40

Argh. I should remember sometime that I am by nature a lazy person and that I should stop imposing additional stuff on myself because I'll never get anything done.

Writing is coming along moderately. Orochi fic is still stuck, but the Harem fic is coming along nicely. I'm hesitant to post much more of it until I'm much further in, though. It's gonna be really long by my standards. >.<

I've been inching my way through Ergo Proxy (which I've had for a long time, but like many things I've never gotten around to watching) and watching SenBasa when I think about it (which usually means I'm at least a week behind). Nothing else anime wise, though Chobits and Gunslinger Girl have both been calling out to me from their shelves.

Video games persist as my worst time-sink. I just got Kingdom Hearts: 3(numbers I can't remember)/2 days. Which got me kinda back into Kingdom Hearts, which means I'm now currently playing Pokemon HG (and Diamond when I think about it),  Kingdom Hearts 3(numbers)/2 days, KH: Re: Chain of Memories, Blazblue: CT, and FFVII:Crisis Core (Ok, so I'm not really playing that one so much as pushing through it). @.@ Too many games... Add onto that my Let's Plays of Pokemon Stadium 2 and a super-secret-yet-to-be-announced "no damage" run of Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (Spyro sucks. LPing that game was a terrible idea and I have seen sense. >.<) and... That's a lot of video gaming.

Add to that my crazy work schedule where I never seem to know if/when I'm working until the day before, and sometimes only a few hours before, and I never know if it's going to be a 15 hour week or a 30 hour week. Luckily, this is the last week. (Unluckily, this was supposed to be the last day but my boss took me aside and asked me to come in tomorrow. She seems to think I want more hours. In truth, all of us are sick of the survey and want it to be over! (Even the person she hired last week! Imagine what it's like for those of us who have been at this all summer!))

And I start classes for real next week. 17 credit hours. Yay. That's the most you can do on standard tuition here. And, with campus a little far to walk to from my house and the notoriously terrible campus/b-town bus system, I'm still not sure how I'm getting to class.

In other news, GenCon was fun. Then again, I've never gone to GenCon and not had fun. And I got my wig in time and everything.

And I have a few new cosplays.

(Rival/Silver cosplay! It was really, really hot. This was not an outfit designed for Midwestern Augusts, but silly old me did it anyway. At least the convention center is air-conditioned. Also, I have way to many Pokemon cosplays and need to stop making them. Though, they are comfy, and people tend to recognize them outside of cons, so they're good for more mainstream events. (Well, they recognize Dawn/Hikari, at least.) This costume also holds the distinction of being the only one both recognized by a restaurant employee and for scoring me free food. XD Thank you, Mr. Noodles guy with a nephew who loves Pokemon! Actually, most of the employees in the restaurant were really interested and impressed by the cosplayers.)

(And this is actually from Anime Central, but I know cutelyhazardous saw the concept art for this but never saw pictures of the completed outfit. It's my humanized Amaterasu from Okami. It's not the greatest picture (You can't see Divine Retribution, or the arm and leg 'wings' very well) but I lack decent pictures of this outfit. And I'd like a tail. I thought about getting one at GenCon, but most of them were more of a cream color. Or I'll make a brush or something.)

Probably doing Hatsune Miku next. I'm not sure it will be done in time for Halloween, but I'll try. Definitely not going to be done in time for Anime Crossroads, if I even decide to go.

dynasty warriors, cosplay, mai pokemanz, lance stop cheating

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