Sep 29, 2003 20:42
Well alot of morose ass shit has happened in the past few days. Let me tell you all about it.
As everyone knows it was homecoming weekend...for me it all started at the game.
Me and Valarie were kinda arguing a little, whinch made me kinda down. She was also flirting with Shawn hardcore, so I knew sumthin was up. That night was good though cause I got spent the night at Scotts. The next day was homecoming dance and all was going well untill Valarie and I started aguing again. After that it was all downhill.
She would not dance with me. She was practically making out with Shawn, and that night we got into this big fight and instead of going out to dinner with me she left with Shawn and them.
And I'm sure they had a "fun" time together as well...BUt a cute girl from Centerline asked me to dance with her and that was cool. So anyways I guess we're not talkin for a while. I guess I'm just gonna have to take the pain and move on. Well anyways, that was my homecoming weekend.
Hope all of yours were fun..bye