jbmcdragon's fourth book came out today!
In the Rough, over at Torquere books, and even if I wasn't dating the author I still would have bought it. It's just that awesome.
But I am dating her, so that means I get a great book and girlfriend points for reading it. :D
And it seriously is a good book. Lots of awesome character-driven plot, tons of angst with undercuts of humour, great sex, pretty gay guys, Pasts of Woe that must be Overcome (preferably by sex, but also by--glee--talking). And cameos of AWESOME by Tim and Con from
By Degrees.
(I love Con. If we weren't both gay and taken, I'd have to run off with him.)
And it's just generally brilliant. Go buy it and lose a day reading it. You won't regret it.
In related news, JB sent me a letter and a present recently. I love getting letters from her, they always make me spend the rest of the day floating around and grinning like an idiot. She's so good at writing these awesome thinky-contemplative bits that make my own thoughts spin off and reach new conclusions, or confirm things that I've been thinking about but haven't put into words yet. And she always tells what she's doing when she's writing -- what her appartment's like, what madness her dogs have been up to, what she's feeling, what the weather's up to. It makes me feel close and connected, which emails don't do so well.
And did I mention the present? She went to Pride in San Fran a few weeks ago and picked me up a piece of shiny-awesome. It's a glass bead dyed with swirls of rainbow colours on a black bracelet thong. There's even a little thread of gold weaving through it. And I love it. I'm not normally a fan of beaded bracelets, but this one's a subtle piece of Pride I can carry around (not to mention a reminder of my gorgeous, fantastic partner), and it hangs on my wrist perfectly. Plus it tucks neatly under the gloves I wear for work, so I never have to take it off.
She had it sized for her wrist when she sent it to me. It fit neatly around three of my fingers. Three. And I could have worn it comfortably on two. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was dating the most delicate person in the world. *amused*
And I have more to add, but I'm falling asleep in my chair. I shall update the rest tomorrow. :D