So I'm supposed to be sleeping; I got three hours last night and I need to be at work in less than four. But I'm half afraid to. Last weekend I did something similar on twice the amount of sleep, and ended up sleeping straight through my shift anyway. Which was very not good. And Saturday is the shift we actually sign up for, so if I don't show they notice.
But if I don't sleep, it's entirely possible I'll crash out in the middle of a call.
This, my friends, is the dilemma of the average student.
In other, sadder, news, two of my very close friends have gotten some seriously bad news over the past week, so if you prayerful folk out there feel like offering up some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. You non-prayerful folk could do the identical with good wishes, if it's all the same.
jbmcdragon's having a really rough week of it, too. So you should totally go and
buy one of her books. (Two of which are new! And very good. I totally recommend
By Degrees (which is not in the first link) because it is made of AWESOME and totally had me snorting pepsi between moments of extreme wibble. Fantastic for slash fans; there is much brilliant, fun, yet very human (and totally pretty) manlove floating around. I've read it three times now. Still love it.)
And in news for me, the
new nipple piercing is doing really well. I'm cleaning it twice a day, as recommended, which is getting much easier and less painful the more I practice (and, honestly, it really wasn't all that painful to start with). I've had no trouble sleeping on it, even when I accidentally roll onto my stomach in the middle of the night. And little moments of pain or discomfort are easily beaten by a quick palm press against it, a warm sea-salt soak, or a convenient hoodie. I haven't even needed to take painkillers. *crosses fingers that this good luck continues*
I'm really pleased I decided to go through with it, actually. Much like my lip piercing, it just feels right. Like I was missing it before and now I have it. Which is an entirely nonsensical importance to attack to a small bar of metal shoved through your anatomy, but it's nice to look in a mirror and think: "Hey, my breasts look awesome today. How cool is that?" It's a little bit like walking around with this fun, kind of sexy secret that other people don't get to know about unless I tell them.
And really, who couldn't use more of those?