I've updated Darkness of Winter again!
Title: Darkness of Winter
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): YamixBakura (hinted YugiXRyou in later chapters)
Chapter: 2 (including Prologue)
Summary: Yami tries to take Bakura's temperature, and feed him the medicine... this won't be pretty... for them at least ^_~
Darkness of Winter: Force Feed
It's quiet. Too quiet. I can't even hear the TV. That means that Bakura has turned it off to sleep, or he's planning something. Either way, I am still going to take his temperature.
I slowly peer through the doorway to the living room. The TV is off, but instead of sleeping he's just staring at the white wall behind the television set with glazed over eyes. I knew it. He's coming up with some insidious plot
to kill me and steal my puzzle. He's not fooling me at all.
"Bakura, I need to take your temperature."
"Hell no," he muttered.
"I need to take your temperature to know how bad your condition is."
"Pharaoh, look at me. Is this bad enough for you?"
I took his instruction and looked him over. Ra, if he felt as bad as he looked, he would be a dead man.
"I still need to take your temperature," I sighed, walking up to the couch.
"Hell no," he cringed.
"Bakuraaa," I growled in warning, "Cooperate!" I put my hand that wasn't holding the thermometer on his chest and forced him down to the couch, trying to hold him there. Despite his sickness, he fought and struggled as hard as he could to get out. I tried to stuff the thermometer down his throat, hoping that choking him would make him shut up, but he kept on moving his head away. In my current position it was hard to make him lay still and get the thermometer in at the same time. This calls for plan B: threats.
"Bakura, if you don't let me put this in your mouth, I'll stuff it up your ass instead."
He just starts thrashing even more, growling obscenities at me. Okay, on to plan C: I physically subdue him into submission. I raise my knee and press it against his chest, forcing him down. He's still struggling, so I pull myself completely on top of him and attempt to hold him down as he squirms around underneath me. If anyone were to look in at this scene, it would look like we were… well, the last time I used that particular word, Yugi's grandpa grounded me to my room for the weekend.
Finally, all this physical exertion is getting to him, and he stops struggling and lays there panting like a dog. If anyone were to look in right now it would look like… I forced the thought out off my head and stuffed the thermometer down his throat.
I sat there straddling his waist until I heard the beeping sound that meant the electronic thermometer was done. Bakura glared at me as I pulled out the thermometer and checked the digital readout. My eyes widened at the readout.
"Bakura, your temperature is 104 Fahrenheit."
"Is that bad?" he panted.
"Very bad. That's a high fever." I said seriously.
"Well, damn." He glared at me as if it was my fault he was sick. "Can you get off of me now, Pharaoh?" I looked down and blushed as I realized that I was still straddling him.
"Er, of course," I said quickly, jumping off of him as if he had caught on fire (which, at his current temperature, may happen at any time).
"Good, now leave me alone," he growled. I shook my head.
"I need to give you some medicine before you catch on fire, Bakura. It's for your own good," I added, catching his glare, "Do you want me to get you anything else?"
"Water would be nice."
"Done." I walked out of the living room and into the bathroom. I dug through the medicine cabinet to find the fever medicine, and turned down the hall into the kitchen to get his water.
As I poured the water, I stared at the note that grandpa had left on the refrigerator. I was going to be left alone with Bakura for two whole weeks. Two whole weeks. And if he didn't get better within a week and a half, I would be spending Christmas with him too. What would Christmas with Bakura be like? Would he even want to celebrate Christmas? I suppose that Ryou would have forced him…
"Pharaoh, where's my water?" he croaked from the living room. Crap, the water! I forgot I was pouring it!
I cursed as I held up my wet sleeve. The counter was a puddle, and the floor was even worse. I cursed yet again as I dashed to the bathroom for a towel to dry it up. But before I started on the counter and the floor, I wiped off the bottom of the water glass and took it to Bakura. I must be going soft.
After I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, I grabbed the medicine (which had miraculously survived the flooding) and went back into the living room to find Bakura half asleep.
"Wake up, tomb robber! You need to take your medicine!" I cried.
"Go away," he muttered, turning over under his blanket.
"You need to take your medicine or your condition will only get worse."
"It couldn't get any worse than this," he growled softy.
"Take it," I insisted.
"Go away."
"Take it!"
"Go away!"
"Take it!"
"Dammit Pharaoh!"
"Take it!"
Five minutes later, we were in the same position that we were in when I was trying to give him the medicine. He was squirming under me, which was EXTREMELY disturbing, but at the same time kind of pleasant. I mentally slapped myself. Bad Yami! I told myself, bad Yami for thinking those kind thoughts! This is NOT pleasant, and you are NOT enjoying it, especially with Bakura there!
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and just wrenched his mouth open (he really needed a breath mint) and poured the medicine in. I leapt off of him, and as soon as he was done choking and gagging on the medicine, he gave me his infamous glare again.
This was going to be a very, VERY, long two weeks.
I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't very eventful. I promise that the next chapter will be longer, somewhat hilarious, and a tad fluffy. Until then... Ja!
Crossposted to ygo_yaoi