Alright to put this simply, you were both wrong. Both of you need to quit it with blaming everything on the other whether it be through a journal or speaking through other friends. What kind of "friendship" is this that you have? Friends are supposed to be understanding of one another, accept each other's flaws, and most important forgive and
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When you meet a person, a mannerism that you may at first not mind may turn into something that seriously bugs you. As you get to know someone, your perspectives of and how you act with the person can go either way in terms of compatibility. Jessica tends to notice things and make remarks about them while Devin tends to be defensive about those remarks. In general and alone, those attributes may be okay, but together they apparently make a poor combination. Salvageability is certainly in question, but I'm pretty sure that a break for now would do a world better than constant potshots over the littlest things.
As for siding with and defending people in the past, guess what, we have, whether you remember it or not, because I remember specifically standing up for each of you, sometimes to your face, sometimes when talking to someone else. Please don't think that none of us ever have.
For now, just...try to stay calm as best as you can. Excessively venting to everyone and cursing the world are sort of like when I say something in Anime Club: people may hear me, but they'd place into doubt my credibility and be reluctant to agree with me. ^_~
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