Jan 16, 2003 23:53
I ran around all day trying to get last minute materials to finish this paperwork. I lost a prospective Client due to improper certification. I was really looking forward to working with him. He is eleven with schizophrenia and autism. I hope he gets someone more prepared then I was.
I was going to see a Client at North Idaho College, and while walking down a hill from my car, I walked into a thorn bush. I bled some. I looked up and asked God "What was that one for?" I'm sure the answer was not looking where I was going.
I talked with my boss today. She is having a paperwork assembly line workshop tomorrow all day. Apparently I'm not the only one in paperwork hell. She said she won't let me go if I am mostly done with it. I also contacted the administrator at the State of Idaho and she'll accept the paperwork late.
I still have a hell of a lot to do. It's midnight and I'm drinking coffee. By now I'm usually asleep. I feel like I'm in college again, tons to do with no end in sight.
I got home today, and Tracey, the best wife in the world loaded the dishwasher and cleaned the bathroom.
Life is hard, but improving.