Drabble #48 "Shopping Spree", SamxJules, PG

Jan 12, 2010 23:43

Title: Shopping Spree
Author: darkseeradept
Characters/Pairings: SamxJules (only if you squint though)
Word Count: 301 >_>
Prompt: #48 Spree
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied Fluff
Spoilers: Jammy relationship, that’s about it.
Summary: After winning a Shopping Spree, he has no idea what to buy.
Disclaimer: Don’t own Flashpoint, but my birthday is soon, so I hope I get a Team One for a present!

Author's notes: >_> Oh please let me post this one right. DX

When he asked them what they would do with a shopping spree, The SRU’s Team one’s responses to him were as followed:

Ed replied that he’d either pick up that new guitar he saw down the street in the music shop window or give it to his wife to enjoy.

Greg had merely shrugged saying he’d finally break down and buy that Lazy-Boy recliner he saw at Leon’s.

Lou was sweet, saying he’d take his girlfriend out shopping and spend the rest on a fancy dinner with his parents.

Spike grinned listing off all the amazing parts he could buy for his Babycakes or new games he could buy and play… after a few minutes of that everyone stopped listening.

Wordy gave an expected answer, take his girls out shopping. He’d let his wife buy that black dress she had seen at Fair Weather that he loved on her, and he’d of course let each of the girls get a new toy as well.

Jules frowned, shrugging, saying something about her kitchen needing a new coat of primer and how she’d likely blow the whole thing at the local Home Depot.

Sam sighed as he glared at the piece of paper in his hands, wondering exactly what he was supposed to do with it. His friends hadn’t been much help deciding in any case. The sniper had no idea what he would, or should, buy with his three hundred dollar shopping spree; he had won it as a door prize when he went out shopping yesterday and all the bells and whistles had nearly given him a heart attack. Finally a smirk grew on his face and Sam slid the ticket into his pocket.

The next day when asked what he had finally decided to buy, the blonde smirked.

“Paint thinner.”
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