Sep 01, 2007 08:40
I'm off to work in a matter of minutes and I am still not dressed yet, but I wanted to make a quicky little post. My week thus far:
Monday: Boring, worked. I had to leave early to make my 4:30pm drivers appointment for my first in-car session. In this session Simon confessed that there won't be much to teach me. Great, I'm thinking, just a fucking waste of my time, his time, and my money. Dang. Oh well.
Tuesday: NO WORK OMFG! I had my first Link!Crew training session. Got to school at my usual time of 8:00am and had to wait around until 8:30am to begin our activities. Link! is alot of fun. At least I had a smashing time. Just alot of feel good activities being played, and challenges being met. I think the program is really good of the grade nines. At least I hope it is. Then I went to the Wabora with Kenzie and Jo-Jo. We had a gloriously loverly time. Then we went and hung out at the Independent with Jo's mum and Raphie. After that I screamed down the highway for my lesson at 5:00pm and made it just in time. Mme. KILLED ME! But we got to jump! It was amazing!
Wednesday: A rinse and repeat of Tuesday Link!Crew wise. After I met up with Michael, and hung out at the school. I saw a bunch of my friends who I sadly have not contacted over the summer. I had a Student Services appointment for 3:00pm and I changed my classes around. My time table goes as follows:
Semiester 1
Period A: Grade 12 University English - Mrs. McKenzie
Period B: Grade 12 University Physics - Mr. Bagshaw
Lunch: 65 minutes WHOOP WHOOP!
Period C: Spare! YES!
Period D: University Writer's Craft - MR. O'T *squeeeee*
Semiester 2
Period A: World Issues - Ms. McCreary!
Period B: Philosophy - Mr. Liadus, oh dear.
Lunch: Again 65 minutes, amazing.
Period C: Spare!
Period D: Grade 12 University Biology - Mrs. Reid
Yes I like the sounds of that schedule. Anywho then I went down with my mummy and Michael to Gravenhole for my hair cut. Yes my hair is short again. Very short haha! Connie was cute and thought Michael was a keeper. I think so too. Indeed. Then I went to the barn and lunged little girl for a while, wasn't awake enough to ride haha.
Thursday: Woke up at 5:00am to make it to the Link! day for grade nine orientation. All-in-all I think our group of grade nines did very well. I am conent in that. After that was said and done with. I met up with Kenzie at the school and proceeded to take her around until we saw the creeper and we made a mad dash through the gym and out to the Oliver's and out the community centre exit to try and avoid him. Not on mates. Then we took the back roads back to her house in cause he followed. We then packed up some more of her belonings for her trip to UofO. I will miss her muchly. I hope I can go to see her with Jo-Jo. It will be so much fun. Then I walked back to the school, alone, having left Kenzie with her family. I met my mum and we went down to the barn. I had a very good ride. Dipper is doing so well. I cannot wait to show her next summer. Once we were done there we went back to B-bridge where my mum dropped me off at Michael's. We had diner and then went to the late show and met Jo and Raphie. We watched Hairspray (yes I know I said I would never see it but jo really wanted too) and it happened to be a sing-along. Yes I sang, it was fun. We then hung out in the park after it was over, Michael and I concluded walkign back to his house that Jo is a very very cool cat. Yes, indeed.
All-in-all it has been a very very good week. I like.