Mar 07, 2006 08:24
Well I wish he was dead, (know who I'm talking about?), yeah I would feel no pain or sadness, maybe a little guilt for the harsh thoughts before the fatefull occurence and then I would turn into a mask of silence and plans for what to eat for diner. And this isn't just sibling rivalries or any nonsence like that, I loath this disfuctional foulmouthed pathetic excuse of flesh with a passion that no one can possibly understand. And I have good reason to. He steals from my parents everyday and then turns around and has the nerve to ask them for money or to pay for his 500th parking ticket. He swears nonstop, he smokes dope and cigarettes (paying for both with my parents hard earned money) he is a loser that no one wants anything to do with (it's pretty bad when your own father will not take you on into his business as a co-op student) I just wish he didn't exsist, or that he'd just go away, because my entire family is sick of him and I'm almost positive that everyone else in my house thinks these exact thoughts, they just won't say them outloud, and neither will I....
67 days till Grandview
not much