Feb 12, 2006 10:59
Random thought:
Polyamory is sort of the new thing that's oversetting everyone. It sounds awkward because whoever put it together combined Greek and Latin, which shouldn't be done, but it still means what you think it means: loving more than one person at once. And I guess I'm just strange, but my reaction was, Yeah, so?
I never really understood the idea that, supposedly, it's only possible to love one person at a time - or even worse, to love one person at all. I'd read stories where she'd (for some reason it was almost always she) be all, But if I fell in love again, I'd be betraying him! *angst angst angst* and I'd be all, You idiot.
Emotions aren't limited. There's no Law of the Conservation of Love (or Happiness, which is also common). Who says you can't love two, or three, or however many people at once? As long as you don't promise "you only" to someone, how is that being faithless? And by extension, how does sleeping with those same more-than-one people (not the same as sleeping around) make you a slut?
(Besides, sex and love aren't the same thing. So even if you remain sexually faithful to one person, it's entirely possible to love others as well. Come on.)
type: rant