Parital thought , possible rant? Who knows

Jun 30, 2008 20:20

Since some of you complain when I ask you to walk and talk as you're supposed to by God's decree not mine when I quote his word I'll just say somethings I've noticed without scriptures this week. I hope in following weeks you will ask yourself if you're really saved if you run from God's word.
Mind you I have a friend (who currently I'm unsure of his denomination, but seems to firmly believe in sticking to your beliefs and not abandoning them for selfish reasons)
Let's see where to begin in earthly context men and women are equal. ( For spiritual context read your bible) So there in may lie (    second set of definitions) my original problem. When I look at a woman or for a woman I expect someone at least trying to reach their potential or at least behaving lady like. Mind you a woman capable of sparring with me isn't a bad thing. It means one we have more to do together and two an active woman is a good thing to me. If her bodies active she has to have focus and if she works hard for herself it encourages a man who ends up loving her to work even harder and pray harder to be what he needs to be for her.
However this is usually not the case it seems. While it will be mentioned some of you my sisters (in Christ , skin color doesn't bring you in) I do think highly of you don't take this wrong. Since I haven't tried/wanted to date any of you , this would be because of age, you're walk, lack of communication , and face to face interaction and for a couple of you just hostile attitudes, so if you believe this is note you please remember I haven't tried to date you either.
There is a mold alot of self proclaimed women are fitting into and it's just horrid to waste time on them at all. Mind you I''m not saying we can't be friends, but their time isn't worth my gas to be nice and hang out in person. They have all proven selfish, whatever they think they can get they will take with no thank you or slightest show of appreciation. They are excuse prone when they break their word , and never follow through or try to make it up in the least bit. Narcistic to the point it makes me want to vomit. Or suffer from a mentality where they are always right because they always make themselves into the victim.
On a couple people I've visited I intentionally acted out of character just because every time they talked I could see or hear one of my ex's and true to form they didn't disappoint  on how they acted.  Read them like a book down to the bitter end of it.
There are so many , a couple I've looked over tonight, who claim Christ but advocate unGodly things. I'm trying to overcome me and become closer to him. So making the assumption everyone who says they are is I pointed out things in Gods word, things I'd be appreciative others would do when I'm wrong. As long as like me they do it out of concern for the persons soul like we all should do. However I usually get rebuked and misquoted scriptures then as I read their notes and statuses I realize they need more work than me. As they advocate, enjoy things out of line or ask questions about finding a GOoD man when they don't even know who they are. They're either trying to be a vague one , a thugged out princess , materials to be a wife , or a type of wife. I figure if you're a woman following God's steps you're already ready to be a wife.  Now you just need to be married, but alot are so far off it honestly makes me think about adopting children and skipping the mother part somedays. 
Then there's lack of communication and now mind you I'm not trying to be mean on this, however some really do drag some stuff out. I know you're schedule I know you're home responsibilities, i.e. children, parents, relatives, finances , sickness cause they get shared enough. When I make a joke I don't need a list of the same old thing everytime why? I find it funny that I have had sick, dying, disabled and elderly relatives along with over 45 hour work weeks , other after work responsibilities, church responsibilities , etc. however none of those are excused. Yet I'm am to get berated when I make a comment  joking about did you miss me?  Some like to throw stuff in peoples thing sometime I honestly don't think they'd notice if we had a pair of twins and I had been in a coma for 6 months. I know things are rough, I'm being edged against a wall as we speak, however I don't try to mention it EVERY SINGLE TIME I talk to guilt trip someone.  And just for the record I've also found people with more of the  aforementioned responsibilities who were very much in communication at one time or another and understanding.
Also while speaking of communication , who wrote down a law saying men  have to try to talk to you constantly and you can cut communication for up to 6 months and it's ok? Think I'm joking I had a young lady I was dating all of a sudden communication stopped, talked to her mother , mother said she was fine ok , phone and email on and to keep trying her. After 3-4 weeks of attempting communication I decided to be patient and just go on with life. 6 Months past no text, no email , no phone calls nothing.Mother said she had all the messages.  So two weeks after the 6 month period I end up dating someone else. A week after that M (girl from 6 months before) shows up at the door. Talking about how's my sweety and whose this. I gave her one - two weeks to give me a reason why she couldn't talk to me and I'd be back with her. Well it stretched into a month and you know what? The best I could get was I was working, interestingly enough she kept in touch with her friends , but not the person she wanted to marry. This leads me to believe she was with someone else and it went bad.  Yes I know things happen but give me the courtesy I give you. If I can really wait for you shouldn't you return the same?
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