May 26, 2008 08:29
So I sit here and I wonder about things I've heard and seen. Everything from the garbage on t.v. to the status messages to conversations I've had with a couple of people. All I have to say is sad. I see peoples statuses who say they believe in God or read their notes and I have to really wonder am I father along than I perceived them to actually be or are we even reading out the same bible. I won't quote scriptures today but I'm pretty sure God has said he'll take care of and can heal anything right? So why are some of us acting like are problems will never heal themselves or just outright hopeless. I've lost a couple of friends recently for different reasons and thought about actively trying to be friends with them again then stopped. I do think every bond we form is for a reason. Weather it's friendship , familial , associate , romantic, God allows us to form bonds to help save others. I figure if you're dissolving a bond especially if you're part of the body of Christ as well. Then I'm taking into account you prayed first, and then taking into account it's so you can work on your walk. Which is fine, I do fear some people just do it because they're not getting their way with the bond i.e. friendship is what's in my heart but you suddenly talk about marriage. If it'll happen it'll happen you shouldn't FORCE things of that nature. It's like putting a round peg in a square hole, if you can generate the necessary force then yes you can do it, but obviously the brain God hooked up in your head and has been putting information into will tell you not to do it. When you do you realize something God may have you WORK for something you want in his will, he won't have you FORCE something. IF it's in his will for you it is already yours. YOU have to get to the point you're ready to have it and he hands it to you. IF you're forcing something you're moving on your own and in todays world that is a bad place to be. But this isn't the only sad thing of the last two weeks.
Why I'm not big on sales jobs you ask? Well here are a couple of reasons 90% of the ones here want you to pay for training. I figure if it's really a job and you're so confident take it out of my paycheck. If it cost money have me sign a contract saying I'll pay it back through you or my new job. The products are another example , lets be honest here. There are some items that will move in certain markets. If you want me helping people how to understand money and have their house and car payments help them be more financially secure where would I be better off at? In a booming housing community on the cost with Million Dollar homes to refinance or in the midwest which most coast people I talk to think is ALL farmland? Makes you wonder who did the research doesn't it? Last and most importantly you ask? Alot of them seem to be the most dishonest creeps on the planet. I say alot because I'm hoping my fellow Christians wouldn't be lying on their job because they're told too. Case in point every time lately where someone has tried to sell me something and I've put it to the test they've pretty much failed. Best case in point? Devry, now I know this is a school but they try to sell themselves to fish out your money right? Well the counselor I was talking to at Devry kept trying to sell me on educational loans while in her office. She kept going on and on about them. So what's the result I test her and see what happens. I say sure I'll do alone and right then and there she ask me about signing up for classes (without an official transcript) and pretty much guarantees that as long as I put in the application (despite me telling her of my experience with them) for a loan to I'm already in the door. She's talking about class schedules already! So what happens? I tell her I'm not doing a loan for any reason and you know the result? We go from not getting her to be quite to I haven't heard from her since I said no loans. How's that? She couldn't sell me a loan so therefore all her promises of entry this summer disappeared with the loan. There is actually one more, in training seminars they pretty much tell you "Don't step out the door or get off that call without a sale". It's gotten so bad in some places I've been I know have to have my own research and negative outlook BEFORE I step into the area. I understand peoples income depend on it but I figure if you let me think instead of driving me into debt and if it's really something I need letting me think will make sure I buy it then you shouldn't have to hound me on things. Also on a lasting note of sales be very careful with car salesmen because I know first hand Toyota off of 103rd street is one of the most under handed places you can take a car for repair or by from.
Ah and now since it's almost 9 a.m. I think I'll end this one on this topic relationships. Yes its sad and reading some of your post I may have to go back to some previous notes or write some new ones that are more to the point with verses for some of you AND tag you this time out. Whats sad here you ask? Well one if you believe in God please take into account if you're no longer in a relationship with someone you claim to love (yes I said claim to love, just from viewing some of your post and status messages alot of you don't have the slightest idea that God is love and what REAL love between a man and woman is. ) that it's either A) not in God's will or b) they're not prepared to the point they should be with you and you need to work on patience. I think it's pretty sad to keep seeing these post or see how the person acts and come to the realization, he/she makes me laugh, he/she has great sex, he/she does nice things for me is how they define love. Seriously I think it's creepy some days how women react when someone makes them laugh. A good example, at office max one day while waiting in line I got the cashier to smile and laugh. I didn't know til the Pastor said something she was continuously leaning closer and closer. Mind you he asked if she was married she said no engaged and I'm wondering why you're leaning in so close if that's the case or at all. Apparently being friendly with no ill intentions is dangerous still. I also wonder if anyone decides to pray about what's happening instead of sloshing it all over facebook, myspace, blackplanet, etc. or do both so people may pray for them? Mind you I do understand how bad a broken heart feels, but when they show up or you see them or find out they're married and having problems , do you keep grieving for what you don't have, become spiteful and try to flaunt yourself as you're oh so good, intentionally try to break them up to get them back , or PRAY for them and their marriage. I did pray for my friend and her marriage and even though she mentioned divorce, her husband seems to be making a turn around in God's will. I just took it into account when she's married someone else God has someone waiting for me he's preparing me for. So grieving has past.
Do you shack up? You shouldn't if you need to TEST DRIVE the person you think you want to marry you can be rest assured God didn't pick them for you or if he did you're both still under construction. I think it's sad judging from a message asking me who I was and why was I speaking to someone's women, not woman as the poor grammar and English eluded too. Why is this one particularly sad, if there's a guy living with her it's not the first time, sadly may not be the last for many seasons. The first one was kicked out for being a bum and maybe getting her pregnant while being a bum. I don't know about you but this is sad because I usually don't keep sticking my hand in a goldfish bowl filled with piranha unless I like getting bitten. Doesn't matter how nice either seems if you can't do it right it shouldn't be done at all.
Finally for this post of this is sad. " That's why I keep hearing , let's take time to get to know each other. That's what men keep telling me. I don't have time for that I need someone to ____ and marry now not later." This little bit of dialogue was sent to me by someone who classifies herself as a good woman. If you've read previous postings you obviously know some of you I've honestly come to believe LIKE the drama and pain you put yourselves through. Mind you my Christian sisters it does get kind of tiresome to keep hearing some of you talk about how hard it is to find a GOOD MAN and you go looking in the clubs every Friday and Saturday night. I don't want a drunk , creeping , promiscuous , two faced girl pretending to be a woman ( note if you take this offensively you may need to reexamine yourself) so I don't go places I see them enter or hear about them being in all the time i.e. clubs, bars, strip clubs, back alley's , street corners, gangsta rap parties and or anything else promoting ignorance and uncleanliness (spiritual kind) and no I'm not perfect only perfect man that every walked on this earth was JESUS CHRIST. But God gives us so many tools and we ignore them. I don't want trash so why go dumpster diving then complain to people this is what I find when I look for a wife. Let's just get to the point as it was put a few weeks ago in church. You claim to be looking for a good man? Did YOU do everything you were supposed to do first to be a good woman? Did you nurture the fruits of the spirit? Have you been following God's path? Have you shown patience ? Have you been staying away from unclean places? Are you letting God make you virtuous? Honestly that seems to be the thing, I don't believe you should running around advertising you're a good woman if you are a good man will know it because if he's to be yours God will order his footsteps in your direction.
Why are you competing with the "nasty girls"? Yes I've read several notes over the years about ladies needing to do what the self proclaimed whorish women do to steal your guy. Let's be honest using sex to hold a relationship together is about as stupid as you can get. There will ALWAYS be someone who can out do you in pure physicality in a relationship. Don't believe me? All the guys you know on facebook who don't practice basketball (me included) how long do you think we'd last against Micheal Jordan in his prime or not practicing golf regularly against Tiger Woods? We wouldn't anyone telling you otherwise got a blessing they're hiding , if joking or has been secretly practicing their butt off. So what makes you think you can hold it together with just sex (which you shouldn't be having unmarried anyway, ALL OF US) when there are places all over the world who train women from the time they can walk to specialize in sex? It's sad and true but a 24 year old no matter how much skills and references couldn't hold a torch to a 24 year old from Bangkok whose been taught that's what has to be done to survive since they were 5. It's not happening and you shouldn't be trying it anyway, and nothing is more of a turn off than someone having references. I've heard this more and more over the years. If you get around enough to have references I'd rather just walk away from you as far as dating goes. That's like a hunter seeing a bear trap and jumping in it. Sure I can get away from you later, but the damage done isn't worth it.
But to a point here's all that needs to be said , if you have to degrade yourself to keep him, he's not yours stop complaining and being complacent let him go and move on. As far as sex goes with your husband if there's not verses saying not to do that which he is asking , like a threesome which is a huge no - no as it violates the sanctity of your marriage, and vice versa when you want to try something, just do it. If it's not something you're ready for or comfortable with. Pray over your marriage and let God lead you or place on your heart what to do. Other than that leave it alone.
And that's all for the sad things I've seen recently.