Be jubilant, computer jargonists,
Ubuntu 9.04, "Jaunty Jackalope" just came out today!
- My mom runs Ubuntu
- My dad runs Ubuntu
- minakokitty runs Ubuntu
- orochiserge runs Ubuntu (how's that going, by the way? - we should hook up soon to see if the update includes anything for your graphics chipset)
- sofakingdustin has had it with Windows and its viruses and is making the jump tonight
Though I may avail myself to your expertise if I can get an Intel-based MacBook Pro for learning Linux purposes.
That being said, the eight-core machines fetch a high premium because they are really overpowered for pretty much anything short of finite-element analyses or video processing. I think an interesting parallel question would be how much it would cost to put together a high-end, reasonable-cost Linux machine.
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