In case you haven't read it in the news, here's what I'm doing on Nov. 18-19:
Nintendo Wii - Released on November 19th for $249.99 - expect 4 million units worldwide by end of year.
- Comes with one Wii Remote (retail value $49.99) and one Nunchaku attachment (r.v. $19.99)
- Comes with Wii Sports (first packaged game since SNES) - officially containing tennis, golf, baseball, bowling, and boxing
- 25 day-one launch titles (5 more by year-end)
- 30 Virtual Console launch titles (30 more by year-end)
- Virtual console games - NES: $5.00, SNES: $8.00, N64: $10.00
- All 1st-party (and most 3rd party) games will support 16:9 widescreen (and only 480p resolution)
Jesus, this is an awesome launch line-up. While I had been expecting a $199.99 price tag, the $249.99 isn't bad considering what's in the box. Here's to taking days off of work.
Here are some funny things one guy had to say in the GameSpot comments:
I'm going to bathe my Wii in scented oils and rose petals every night before I go to bed....
I'm gonna get my Wii a hamster just to keep it company when I'm not home.
My Wii is a Scorpio.
Steve Irwin would have wanted you to buy a Wii. Do it for the Crocodile Hunter.
George Lucas has agreed to release Star Wars chapters 7-9 as Wii-exclusive games. Mark Hamil is set to star. MARK HAMIL PEOPLE!! Do it for Mark Hamill.
The Wii was discovered in Genghis Kahn's tomb.
Purchasing 5 Wii's allows you to assemble them together to form a super system. Kinda like Voltron.
The wii reminds me to take my Prozac. As it hasn't been released, you can see my dilema.
As of this morning, 2 US states have passed laws allowing people to marry the Wii. I'm moving to Utah in November.
Some lesser known Wii features include:
(a)Capable of washing and drying clothing. (b)Has web parties with all the other Wii's in the neighborhood in standby mode. (c)Can travel through time. (d)Can speak to dolphins. Telepathicly. (e)The wii is a Kenpo Black Belt. (f)The Wii is know, for the ladies. (g)And lastly, the Wii is humble. So humble that it only does the above when no one is looking.
I think that's worth $250. Especially the time travel part.
The Wii's processor is made from Chuck Norris' cloned muscle fiber.
WII for US President '08
'And the lord said...let there be Wii....."
Wiiiii are the champions, my friends....