
May 29, 2009 03:22

Feel no need to read my ramblings as I do seem to go on a bit long, just watch the movies (yes, both of them!) feel free to skip the first 5-10 minutes the intro is quite long and a bit boring.

Zeitgeist: The Movie

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Official Site: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

Can also be found on www.YouTube.com


I'm not one for believing in conspiracy theories but I do believe in keeping an open mind. All our knowledge can be distilled down to what is essentially word of mouth. We are not omnipresent, we do not have first hand accounts of every event, or every truth, nor do we have the time to investigate and research thoroughly every event, history or concept in existence. We would need several lifetimes over to do so. Journalists are suppose to do this for us, but if you know anything about Rupert Murdoch or have been paying even slight attention to the news media over the past decade you will come to question the legitimacy of this claim.

Some things we simply have to take, not on faith, faith implies a blind acceptence, but rather on our own intuition, logic (does this person have something to gain by misleading me?), and what our experience tells us to be true. That being said I feel there is a great deal of truth here, though I can't come to you and say this is %100 undeniable truth and fact, it certainly does have a high level of believability.

The first part of this movie has to do with religion, if you are religious you will likely find this very offensive, because it reveals how christianity is based on a varity of pagan beliefs far older than the bible.

The second part is about 9/11. I don't know if 9/11 was a conspiracy or not, but I do notice a great deal of inconsistancies surrounding the building collapses, the lack of a response from our military, and the subsequent and unrelated war. What really happend I don't know.

The third part is basically a lesson in history detailing the banking system, globalization, the continual state of war our country has been in. Then tying all together as a means for the rich elite to become even richer, to deconstruct the protections put into place by our constitutional founders, and to enslave people not by law or military force, but through the shackles of debt and fearmongering.

Even if you disregard all of this as bunk, there is still a great deal of quantifiable fact, such as the rise in global poverty, the bizarre imbalance of response to terrorism (which claims far fewer lives then peanut allergies) as compared to greater threats to human well being such as car accidents, heart disease, access to healthcare, and medical research. The fact that 1% of the population is allowed to own 50% of the worlds wealth in and of itself raises a plethora of questions.

If anything this movie should at least make you think. Is capitalism really so great? Are you happy with how the world is? Can you live content so long as you have your stuff, f*** everyone else, they don't deserve it? That seems to be the message we are taught as a nation. That we must prove our worth, that we have no intrinsic value that everything must be graded, everything must be earned, that everyone must be divided, isolated, ranked and numbered. All as a means to justify selfishness and self interest. Fear the immigrants, fear the jews, fear the gays! To view our neighbor as a competitor rather than a fellow human being whose life is of equal value to our own.

I highly recommend both movies. Zeitgeist: Addendum covers the issue of money and economics. It questions our monitary system, it even questions why we don't question our monitary system. Watch them both!

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