Code Geass R2 Turn 7 in screencaps.

May 21, 2008 09:52

Title says it all XD. Pic-heavy and contains spoilers and my sarcasm.

No, duh... Emperor.

LOL. Shishio, whut.

Now I know where Lelouch gets his epic-ness.


Littering is not allowed in Area 11.

LOL Kaguya.

Whut, Kaguya? How did you know that? O_O

This is just too adorable.

Lloyd is so cute!


Nunnally supports pizza hut. XD

This is what happens when you get geassified.

Just what are you implying, CC?

Lulu is a druggie. Haha.

I had something to say about this pic but I figured it was morally wrong. It did have to do with WW2 soldiers, though.

ZOMG. Yaoi. (note that the next scene was slashier, but it burned my eyes).

Whoaz. Ghosts.

Haha. They look too cute!

LOL. Laksharta and Chem 18.

Epic Win by Chem 18.

Lelouch, do you have to be so epic?

Has anyone told him that pose is gay?

LOL at his pose. XD

code geass, pictures, anime, crack, sarcasm

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