CLAMP, why do you have to like big hats? + tag

Apr 05, 2008 10:14

Event: Ozine fest 2008
Venue: Megatrade Hall 2, SM Megamall
Went As: Eriol Hiiragizawa (Card Captor Sakura)
Status: phail.

So, CLAMP, you think giving Eriol a ridiculously big hat is a good idea? I mean, it's big, it doesn't give much ventilation and well, my rendition of it is heavy. Haha. Yeah. I so looked like a dork back there. But enough about that first, on with the con story!

So It wasa actually the second time I rode the MRT by myself. I rode it to megamall, then I went up to the megatrade halls. Damn, there were so many hot cosplayers around. So, I got insecure with myself. And so, I decided to put on my costume. Thank goodness I didn't bring a camera, otherwise, you'd see me and lots of random fannage. LOL. Moving on.

I went and got a ticket for two days, went in and lurked. The moment I got in this persona cosplayer asked to take a pic of me. ahaha. I'm a star. JOKE.  But seriously, A lot of people wanted my picture taken. The hell, I don't even like taking pictures of cosplayers! It was flattering, but weird nonetheless.

I met a couple random people, including GJ, Xtian, Ate Az, Ate Han, Ate Uretz, Ate KA, Ate Frances, Ate Via, Ate M, Kuya Geonard, and some more whose names I forgot TT_TT

I got a Kannazuki no Miko CD! Hurrah! 390 minutes of maho shoujo + yuri...

...did I say Yuri? XD

Ate Han said I wasted my money. (IF you see a picture of her as Miwako from Parakiss, would you agree that she was so adorable? And Ate Az as Isabella, and Ate M as Yukari Hayasaka? Aren't they so cute?)  Okay, I just weirded myself out.

Tomorrow, I'lkl try to bring a camera to add random fannage.Tagged by Bea.

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (you're it!) and to read your blog for instructions. You can't tag a person who has tagged you. Since you can't re-tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can read the answers!
  1. I hate dogs. I like cats better.
    Dogs are noisy, stinky and they lick you. I tend to find that disgusting. Hate me if you will for this. haha. But I really can't stand dogs. Cats, however, intrigue me.
  2. I feel uneasy around people I don't know who are around people I know
    When I hang out with friends of friends, I seem to always get left out and out of place. Heck, I'm out of place everywhere.
  3. I'm a pyromaniac, sortof
    I like setting things on fire. Just matches and random dry things people, not houses. I'm not an arsonist
  4. People often misspell my name twice before getting it right
  5. it's G-U-T-I-E-R-R-E-Z. Like the celebrity. Live with it.
  6. I'm addicted to strong odors, no matter how pungent they are.
    yes, even if it's manure, if it's got a strong odor, I'm there.
  7. I "trace" plushies of people I like.
    kind of like how Shirou Emiya traces swords, I trace plushies. Of people I like/adore/want to take care of/find cute. Then I hug them. mentally. tight. You have been warned.
  8. There are two people living inside me, sortof
    Their names are Keisuke and Sayuri. Sayuri is my Yang, feminine, emotional side while Keisuke is my Yin, masculine and rational side.
  9. I can pull random, but cool quotes out of this air
    now you know where I get stuff like "A life without purpose... is no life at all" comes from. I call it crap. Some people find it cool.
  10. My spontaneiety is dangerous
  11. most of the time, I can't watch my mouth. And I end up being tactless. Like for instance, I shouted "Yuck, polsci" after discussing shifting possibilities. Sorry polsci people, Freudan slip.
  12. I glomp cosplayers (watch out)
    correction: I only glomp cosplayers I know. Otherwise I'd be kicked out of the convention. ahaha. Fellow Cosplayers, you had been warned.
I tag: Pat-chan, Mila, DM, Deniss, Dyosa, RJ, Heidie, Malic, Leya, Clarice

random, meme, cosplay, convention, rant

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