First Day of the Semester (or lack thereof)

Nov 12, 2009 09:53

So today was the start of the new semester. A semester fraught with chemistry and its biological cousin, added with a dash of communications and PE just to make sure I'm a regular come fourth year. (My adviser event went "are you sure?" while looking at my subjects. Yeah. Toxicity levels are sure to be high.

The above showcases my form 5. Notice the sheer amount of chemistry I'm faced with? Ha! I laugh in the face of chemistry! I shall go through this semester and be victorious! (or at least, that's the plan)

Now onto the rant:

The first thing to escape my lips was "Shit. I have classes today." Apparently my pessimism impressed even myself. Little did I know that I was in a reverse-prophetic phase, a phase in which whatever I say or think reflects the EXACT OPPOSITE of the future. It's a cool power... But it's also a curse.

(man you can cut my sarcasm with a knife!)

So I went to school at around 9:50 to find the chemistry wing of the third floor turned into a construction site. Apparently, the University has impeccable timing and decided to upgrade the labs... DURING a semester. Huzzah. Now we will conduct our lab exercises next to workers laying tiles. It's the ultimate clash between the bourgeois and the laborers! All hail the revolution! All... cut the crap. Point is, there were three available rooms, and the room reserved for the class was being renovated and such.. So in short, no classes.

Which then left me with three hours o do nothing except wait for the next class. Which, as it turns out, is being taught by Dr. Billones. Who will start classes next week. Oh joy. That meant that the next class will be at 4, which, following this slippery slope of the universe conspiring against classes starting today, would probably end in a no-show.

...No-show it was. Our professor already went home came class time. Geez, why am I not surprised?

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