I never realized how quirky I am

May 29, 2009 20:42

Seriously. I was thinking about how would I look like through another person's eyes, and the results were nothing short of hilarious. I mean, I always knew I was weird, and that I stand out like a sore thumb most of the time (though I try hard not to be), but I didn't think that I'd surprise myself so much. Haha. Who knew?

Well, for starters, my eating habits are... well, let's just say they're pretty ludicrous. For instance, the thing I love most about fish are their innards, and by that I mean what internal organs and whatnot are left after the thing has ben gutted and cooked. Among the normal parts would be the belly, but I'd also fancy the stuff that's in the head (although I generally avoid the eyes), and what I think to be the liver. Also, I like chewing on chicken bones... I know, I'm disgusting. Haha. There's also my avoidance of boiled pork: for some reason, I abhor its taste. but any other method of preparing pork is fine. Just... don't boil it. I also have the tendency to add worcestershire sauce to everything... And I mean everything, even noodles. There's also my tendency to add black pepper in large quantities, and to add sesame oil to breakfast occasionally.

Apart from eating, I have a lot of other quirks, most of which are consisted of pet peeves. For example, one of the things that annoys me the most is telling me what to do when i'm already going to do it. It makes me feel that I can't do anything right. In fact, almost all my pet peeves revolve around making me feel that I can't do things right.

I belong to a family of neatfreaks. But I pretty much like things in dissarray. I not mean like a total wreck, more like I don't have the same sense of order as other people in my family. What looks ordered to me is completely and utterly disastrous to them. I don't know... Ahaha. When everything's in order everything just feels so generic, so melancholy, such in a low state of entropy. Haha. Maybe because I'm in communion with all of matter: I tend to be in a state of greater disorder. Ahahaha (This is how I confuse entropy with The force).

Other than that, I can'tthink of anything else (which, among others explains why my journal entries tend to be so short)... If you count the fact that I'm an otaku, and on top of that, an otaku who cosplays, you're really getting somewhere...

...and oh, my idea of Dinner conversation is a lecture in Biochemistry. No joke. Haha.

The latest chapter of Bakuman broke my heart. The latest chapter of Naruto failed to deliver (yet again, in my opinion... I mean WTF was the entire point of the freaking arc if *spoiler*???)... And Bleach is gonna get exciting. XD (Well, that's my WSJ fix for now)


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