when I was [not so] young... (ganked from rayshi)

Dec 24, 2008 00:32

Think back to your first semester in college. Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret.

> What section were you?
 block 11

> Who were your seatmates?
  uhm... which subject?I

> Still remember your English teacher?
 Forgot her name, but I'd recognize her face

> What was your first class?
 Philo 1 on tuesdays and fridays, CMSC 10 during mondays and PE2 BD during thursdays (i cheated and peeked at my schedule blog)

> Best friends?
 none. nasa diliman eh

> Made any enemies?
 the entire block 11

> Who was your favorite teacher/s?
  Dr. Mateo, because of her fun history class

> Back then, do you always buy your lunch?
 yeah, and in expensive robinson's too. >_<

> Did you get suspended/expelled?

> What was your favorite subject?
   HISTO 1. XD

> What was your school's full name?
 University of the Philippines-Manila

> Where did you go most often during breaks?
Robinson's place manila... I wasn't too fond of the library back then...

> What color of pen do you always use?

> Recited often?
 I don't really remember XD

> Ever cheated?
 ...hi~mi~tsu! *joke*

> Do you bring your own paper and pen?
 nope. you're talking to an eternal parasite

> Are you in the top ten of your class/es?
Me? Top ten? LIES!

> Favorite things to do in class?
 aside from studying? Sleep. haha. XD

> Classmates you didn't like?
around 80% of block 11

> Subjects with highest grade?
Histo 1 with 1.25, CMSC 10 with 1.50

> Lowest?
MATH 17 3.00 OH YEAH (nag-removals pa ako >_<)

> Ever had a crush? Who?
none that I can recall.

> What's your theme song for him/her?

> Fave events in 1st sem?
boring ang buhay non eh. Hahaha.

> What are your favorite classrooms?
Histo 1 room, CMSC 10 room (hellyeah free internet)

> Do you sleep in class?
yes.. haha. especialy during math 17

> Ever thought of burning your school?
I love UP. Why will I burn it?

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