The fruits of staring blankly into your monitor

Dec 17, 2008 08:11

This morning, I received the usual messages from HCC (and by usual, I mean most of them won't make a difference in how I operate as a person, id est senseless greetings, and stuff which normally I can't relate to.The inbox was full, so I deleted all the messages. Every single one of them (that's how I roll).

Then, after five minutes, Nagi texted in what seemed like an eternity:

Ohayo! I'm selling Culture Crash issue #14, Alodia(&)Ashley Gosengfiao on the cover. Mint condition, Printed 2003. It's a collector's item and its only 200php. Text me if you're interested.Ü

LOL. Why was I not surprised? It was your usual Nagi GM. Tempted was I to buy the magazine, I figured, "I'm spending too much on my cosplay hobbies." So I decided to text her (We usually adress each other using our geass personas, ie she's CC and I'm Lloyd Asplund)
Good morning, Shitsu~ *sleep*

Then she replied the text that just made my day:
Wake up, Earl. M selling a mag feat a Britannian cosplayer lyk u.
Yeah, sure. That woke me up laughing. (Note to self: place that geass poster next to my bed).

Today was the last day of classes for 2008. Classes resume on January 6. So during this last day, we had to hand in our Physics reports. Since I was epic fail (see last post) with the laboratory exercise, I copied my data from Fatima. While waiting for her, I decided to make a name for that story I came up with yesterday. I called it "stereophone" for some reason, mainly because the main character wears a pair of headphones all the time.

Since Fatima and I are fans of "Bakuman" (She calls me Shujin and I call her Saiko), I decided to see how long it would take me to make a name. One of the characters of Bakuman, Niizuma Eiji, can make a 29-page name in half an hour. That's around a page a minute. I'm a bit... err... slower. It took me a full hour to construct 4 pages. EPIC FAIL.

We hung around DPSM, finishing our reports. Dr. Tumlos was there to be sadistic with us, giving out deductions like Mr. Crocker from the Fairly Oddparents. Haha. I found it amusing, actually.

I opted not to join the lantern parade today, even IF it is the UP centennial Lantern Parade. I figured it;d be too much of a hassle for me. Things like this exist to bore me, and besides, I don't really like going to the Diliman Campus (for reasons I'd better keep to myself).

My Watanuki preparations are 99% complete. Huzzah! For all those attending Toycon, see you saturday! ♥←finally learned how to do that. XD

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