Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don’t own Kyou Kara Maou…yet
Title: Love Sucks (Literally) ~The Taste~
Author: Me (darksmistress)
Series: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: uh…PG-13 (this chapter) NC-17 in later chaps.
Pairing: Mainly Yuuram. Conzak and Gwenter on the side
Genre: angst, drama, comedy, yaoi
Chapter: 7/?
Summary: Yuuri moves to a new town and his life is turned upside down. New school, bishounen, crazy teachers, yaoi, and...Vampyres?!
A/N: I was going to make this pretty….erotic. But it would have happened too fast. I’m srry! But I promise it’ll happen soon! I’m so sorry it took so long to update, I am totally swamped with year-end homework! I’ll try my best to update once a week, but it might end up being every two weeks. Sigh. I’ll definitely update more frequently during the summer tho!
Chpater 7
~The Taste~