FIC: Redirected 1/? (RPS; Jason Isaacs/Ben Daniels; NC-17)

Dec 12, 2006 00:37

Title: Redirected 1/?
Authors: darkrosetiger and telesilla
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jason Isaacs/Ben Daniels
Archive: Please ask.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a world where people are divided into tops and subs as a matter of course, Ambassador Jason Isaacs, a top, and MI6 agent Ben Daniels, a sub, have to deal with their attraction to each other as well as the sometimes conflicting roles they play in society.
Warnings: BDSM
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.
Notes: There are extensive notes below the fic, but we wanted to link to a picture of Ben Daniels--a British actor who was Jason's co-star in The State Within--so people have a face to go with the name.

"Why do you always get yourself into these situations?"

redirected, rpf, writing, ben, fanfic, jason

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