FIC: Corrosion [3/4] (Harry Potter; Ron/Lucius; NC-17)

May 24, 2006 02:14

Title: Corrosion [3/4]
Author: darkrosetiger
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ron/Lucius
Archive:hp_cliche, others please ask
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After the war the Ministry decides to auction off the former Death Eaters as slaves. Auror Ron Weasley buys Lucius Malfoy and learns how seductive the Dark can be.
Warnings: D/s, S/M, slavefic, noncon, implied incest
Disclaimer:Ron, Lucius and the rest of the Potterverse belong to JK Rowling. The degree to which I am not her is astounding.
Notes:Written for the "Old Clichés, New Tricks" fest, by regan_v. Many thanks to telesilla for reading it over and offering advice.

Previous Chapters

The new flat has three major advantages over the previous one, which had been Percy's before Ron moved in. First, it's closer to Diagon Alley than the old place was, in a nicer neighborhood. Second, the previous occupants had been a couple, one of whom was a Squib, so there are modifications that will make Lucius less dependent on Ron for simple things. And third, the new place has a garden; small and overgrown with weeds, but still a garden.

Ron hadn't actually considered the last part when he signed the lease; his main thought was had been that with his promotion, he could afford something better. It also meant that Lucius could have a room of his own that was more than a glorified closet. Sometimes he wonders why Lucius' comfort matters, but in this case, it seems only fair: Lucius had taught him the spells he used to capture the fugitive Death Eaters in Ireland, making him indirectly responsible for Ron's promotion.

On their first night in the new place, Ron pokes his head into Lucius' room. His slave is putting away his few possessions--his robes, other clothes, a few books, and photographs of Narcissa and Draco. He looks up when he hears Ron approach, eyebrows

"Um...I just wanted to see if you were settling in okay," Ron says. He feels almost as though he's disturbed something sacred; just before Lucius turned to look at him, Ron had gotten a glimpse of naked, raw grief on Lucius' face. It occurs to Ron for the first time that Lucius might genuinely miss his wife, and the son she died defending.

Lucius smiles slightly, though the expression comes nowhere near his grey eyes. He slides to his knees in front of Ron, head bowed. "Yes,'re far too generous, you know--you're spoiling your slave."

Ron puts a finger under Lucius' chin and tilts his face up. "Well then," he says softly, "you know how to thank me, don't you?"

Lucius immediately leans forward and catches the pull of Ron's zipper between his teeth. Keeping his eyes on Ron's, he slowly tugs it down. He has to use his hands in order to free Ron's cock; as soon as that's done Lucius clasps his hands behind his back and takes Ron in his mouth, sucking hard.

"Merlin..." Ron groans. Grabbing a handful of Lucius' hair, he holds his head still and shoves his hips against Lucius' face. "You look good like that, you know," he says. "On your knees, choking on my cock."

For a second, Ron is afraid he's pushed his slave too far. Then Lucius closes his eyes and moans like a Knockturn Alley whore. Ron moves his hand down and grips the back of Lucius' neck, hooking a finger under the silver collar and pulling it tight as he comes.

Lucius waits until Ron has stopped trembling before sitting back on his heels. With his legs slightly apart, there's no way for Ron to miss the fact that Lucius is hard, his prick straining against the front of his trousers. Ron can feel his face growing warm, and he knows he's probably turning about the same color as his hair as he watches Lucius kneeling in front of him, back perfectly straight and eyes down. He turns and flees into his bedroom, but even with the door closed he's sure he can hear moaning and the sound of flesh on flesh from the other room where he knows Lucius is wanking himself off.

Of course, Lucius says nothing about it in the morning; if he's at all disturbed by the way Ron used him the night before, it doesn't show. It's not until dinner that Lucius says a word to Ron, and when he does, it's about a completely different subject.

"Master...if your slave might beg a small indulgence..."

Ron turns to see Lucius kneeling again. I shouldn't like that so much. "What?"

"The garden out back needs tending to. I would be happy to do it, but...technically, I am not permitted outside the house without you, so I felt that I should ask...just a few hours during the day."

"Yeah, sure--don't see any reason why not. You helped me get the promotion, so you deserve...I dunno, something." Ron tells him. "Is that all, then?"

"Thank you, Master," Lucius says. "You're very kind." He sounds like he's being sincere, which disturbs Ron far more than open hostility would.

"Why?" Ron asks, staring down at Lucius.


"Why don't you hate me more? You should. I'm a Weasley, for fuck's sake, and I treat you like a servant." Worse--like a whore. "You should despise me. Maybe you do, but you don't show it." Ron runs a hand through his hair. "I don't get it."

Lucius is silent for a long moment. Finally he says, "May I sit, Master?" When Ron waves a hand at the sofa, Lucius sits, long legs stretched out in front of him and looking perfectly at ease. "I will admit that I was not pleased with the situation initially. But it has been far more bearable than I would have anticipated. I am fed, clothed, and reasonably well-treated--"

"And I fuck you, when you can't say no," Ron points out.

"Can't I?" Lucius arches an eyebrow. "If I did say no, would you truly force me?" Before Ron can answer, Lucius shrugs. "Not that it matters. As you may have noticed, I have little objection to the fact that a good-looking young man finds me desirable. But if you will allow it, Master....I might ask the same of you. As you have pointed out more than once, I did kill your brother. It would be understandable for you to wish revenge."

This time, Ron shrugs. "It won't bring Percy back, will it?" He doesn't really want to think about the rest of what Lucius said, and what he didn't say. He likes it...I'm always afraid I'll go to far, but now I wonder how far that would really be?

* * *

Ron glares at the book opened on the dining room table. He's tried every spell he can think of, but he can't break the ciphers it's written in.

"Master...oh." Lucius pauses in the doorway. "Forgive me--I didn't realize you were working. I was going to tell you that dinner was nearly ready."

"Thanks. I don't suppose you know anything about code breaking, do you?" Ron asks.

Lucius comes to the table and peers over Ron's shoulder. "Ah...may I look at this?" When Ron nods, Lucius picks up one of the parchments and studies it closely. "Where did you find these?" he asks Ron.

"We cleaned out Macnair's house this morning. This was hidden in a cache with some nasty poisons, a few really vicious knives, and a couple of other cursed toys."

Lucius curls his lip at the mention of his former comrade. "I'd be surprised if there was anything all that useful to be learned...but I expect that all you need to do is feed it."

"Feed it?" Ron stares at Lucius.

"Of course. As you must have noticed, it's written in blood. Naturally, it stands to reason that blood will be needed to unlock the code."

"Lovely," Ron mutters. "Blood magic again; can't you lot ever do anything original? Will just a little do?"

"Unlikely. I expect you'll need to feed each page."

Ron scowls. In Ireland, he'd started with his own blood, but when it became clear that wasn't going to be enough, he'd had to kill a couple of rats. He's loathed rats almost as much as spiders ever since he discovered the truth about Scabbers, so it hadn't been that hard to do. There aren't any rats handy at the moment--and then Ron gets an idea.

"Sit," he orders Lucius. Going into his bedroom, he retrieves his work kit, which includes the small, sharp knife he'd used before. When he gets back into the dining room, he notices that Lucius has rolled up his sleeve to bare his left arm--the one that still shows the faint outline of the Dark Mark. Lucius glances up at Ron and nods. He doesn't make a sound when Ron makes the first shallow cut, although he hisses softly when Ron presses his arm against the first page of the book.

"Does it hurt?"

"Stings a bit, but nothing serious."

There are twenty-two pages filled, twenty-two that need to be fed with Lucius' blood before Ron can read what appears to be a journal chronicling Macnair's ghoulish experiments on animals and Muggles in an attempt to puzzle out for himself the secret of Voldemort's immortality. It's horrifying and disturbing. So is Ron's reaction to the increasingly pained noises Lucius makes each time Ron smears his blood on another page; Ron pants are becoming uncomfortably tight. Worse, it's far too arousing for him to feel badly about it.

When he gets to the last page, Ron sits back, watching Lucius. His slave's face is even paler than usual, and he's just as hard as Ron is.

"You want me to do something about that?" Ron growls.

"Please, Master!" Lucius' teeth are clenched as if admitting how much he needs to get off is as painful as the cutting. Ron smiles and leans over to undo Lucius' trousers.

"Hold still," he tells Lucius, "And put your hands behind you." He strokes Lucius roughly, keeping his eyes on his slave, and he sees the exact moment when Lucius tries to look away but can't. It's more intoxicating than any alcohol for Ron to watch Lucius come and know that he's the one that's making Lucius Malfoy lose his cool.

Ron decides to push. He holds his hand out at the level of Lucius' mouth. "Clean it off," he orders. Lucius narrows his eyes, but after an instant's hesitation, he takes Ron's hand and licks it clean.

Fuck. This is better than seeing Draco turned into a ferret.

"You've become quite good at this. Master," Lucius says when he's finished, not looking at Ron.

"What do you mean?"

"You no longer seem uncomfortable issuing orders," Lucius explains, "and you appear to be less concerned than you once were about using magic that some would call "Dark". He smiles. "Almost Slytherin of you, in fact."

"If it works--" Ron says, then stops. Lucius obviously meant that as a compliment. "Forget it. I'll clear off the table--you can finish doing whatever you were doing with dinner." And I can worry later about whether or not you're right.

harry potter, writing, corrosion, ron, fanfic, potterfic, lucius

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