(no subject)

Oct 17, 2004 02:54

Good evening.

I know it's been awhile since I posted last, but I haven't really had anything interesting to say. I've been in sort of a reclusive mode lately, not going out or doing anything interesting very often. Tonight I remembered why.

I went with a friend to a rock show in deep ellum. I know that isn't really a congregational place for the most intelligent in our society, however I've met quite a few genuinely nice people in that area.

After the rock show, we walked to get some food. He was hungry, and I was ready for a Dr. Pepper. Standing on a corner, waiting for the light to change, I was hit IN THE FACE with a beer can. A Coors Light can, tossed from a pickup truck.

Here's the interesting part. After I was hit, I wasn't angry. Sure, I was upset, a little bit, by the stinging on the side of my mouth. However, what really upset me was the fact that people like this, people willing to commit random acts of violence against people they have never met, are making decisions about our country.

Don't misunderstand me. I have no knowledge that the person that hit me is going to vote, or is even over 18 (although I would think that was a reasonable assumption seeing as they were obviously drinking). People like this are deciding our future, people. This makes no sense.

How can democracy work when 80% of people(a generically chosen number) are uneducated voters? Is there any reason to believe they should have a choice?? Should we make people take an I.Q. test to determine if they are an intelligent voter?

My point is this. How can we rely on the system when it is based on the majority of the people in this country, and those people are fundamentally flawed?

You may be saying, "Oh, you can't make these assumptions based on one beer can tossed from a redneck's pickup truck. This one jackass cannot force you to think of the country as a whole."

You're incorrect. I dare you to take a random sampling of voters. I read a study lately. The news broadcast with the MOST intelligent viewers is the Daily show. (A show I frequently watch, coincidentally.) It's a COMEDY news show, and yet it's viewers have a better understanding of politics than Average man A on the street (or beer can throwing jackass A, if you'd prefer to view it that way).

Are there any suggestions to fix this?? No, communism will not work, that just means the most ambitious of us get the exact same as the least ambitious, a vision that's flawed by the fact that humanity is involved.

Let's come up with a solution.
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